

String[] stopWords = new String[]{"i","a","and","about","an","are","as","at","be","by","com","for","from","how","in","is","it","not","of","on","or","that","the","this","to","was","what","when","where","who","will","with","the","www"}; 


  String text = "I would like to do a nice novel about nature AND people" 

是否有匹配stopWords的方法并在忽略大小写的情况下删除它们; 像那样在某个地方?:

  String noStopWordsText = remove(text, stopWords); 


  " would like do nice novel nature people" 



  private static final String[] stopWords = new String[]{"i", "a", "and", "about", "an", "are", "as", "at", "be", "by", "com", "for", "from", "how", "in", "is", "it", "not", "of", "on", "or", "that", "the", "this", "to", "was", "what", "when", "where", "who", "will", "with", "the", "www", "I", "A", "AND", "ABOUT", "AN", "ARE", "AS", "AT", "BE", "BY", "COM", "FOR", "FROM", "HOW", "IN", "IS", "IT", "NOT", "OF", "ON", "OR", "THAT", "THE", "THIS", "TO", "WAS", "WHAT", "WHEN", "WHERE", "WHO", "WILL", "WITH", "THE", "WWW"}; private static final String[] blanksForStopWords = new String[]{"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; noStopWordsText = StringUtils.replaceEach(text, stopWords, blanksForStopWords); 

这是一个不使用正则表达式的解决方案。 我认为它不如我的另一个答案,因为它更长,更不清楚,但如果性能真的非常重要,那么这就是O(n) ,其中n是文本的长度。

 Set stopWords = new HashSet(); stopWords.add("a"); stopWords.add("and"); // and so on ... String sampleText = "I would like to do a nice novel about nature AND people"; StringBuffer clean = new StringBuffer(); int index = 0; while (index < sampleText.length) { // the only word delimiter supported is space, if you want other // delimiters you have to do a series of indexOf calls and see which // one gives the smallest index, or use regex int nextIndex = sampleText.indexOf(" ", index); if (nextIndex == -1) { nextIndex = sampleText.length - 1; } String word = sampleText.substring(index, nextIndex); if (!stopWords.contains(word.toLowerCase())) { clean.append(word); if (nextIndex < sampleText.length) { // this adds the word delimiter, eg the following space clean.append(sampleText.substring(nextIndex, nextIndex + 1)); } } index = nextIndex + 1; } System.out.println("Stop words removed: " + clean.toString()); 


 import java.util.regex.*; Pattern stopWords = Pattern.compile("\\b(?:i|a|and|about|an|are|...)\\b\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = stopWords.matcher("I would like to do a nice novel about nature AND people"); String clean = matcher.replaceAll(""); 


另一种方法是遍历所有停用词并使用StringreplaceAll方法。 这种方法的问题是replaceAll将为每个调用编译一个新的正则表达式,因此在循环中使用它并不是非常有效。 此外,当您使用StringreplaceAll时,不能传递使正则表达式不区分大小写的标志。

编辑:我在模式周围添加了\b ,使其仅匹配整个单词。 我还添加了\s*以使其在任何空格后全局化,这可能不是必需的。

您可以创建一个reg表达式来匹配所有停用 [例如a ,注意空格]并最终得到



  String[] stopWords = new String[]{" i ", " a ", " and ", " about ", " an ", " are ", " as ", " at ", " be ", " by ", " com ", " for ", " from ", " how ", " in ", " is ", " it ", " not ", " of ", " on ", " or ", " that ", " the ", " this ", " to ", " was ", " what ", " when ", " where ", " who ", " will ", " with ", " the ", " www "}; String text = " I would like to do a nice novel about nature AND people "; for (String stopword : stopWords) { text = text.replaceAll("(?i)"+stopword, " "); } System.out.println(text); 


  would like do nice novel nature people 
  • IdeOneDemo


在whilespace上拆分text 。 然后循环遍历数组,并且只有当它不是停用词之一时才继续追加到StringBuilder