
如何为此示例添加代码以创建CaesarCipherBreaker方法,该方法通过两个键拆分加密的消息。 到目前为止,我写了这么多:

import edu.duke.*; public class TestCaesarCipherTwo { public int[] countOccurrencesOfLetters(String message) { //snippet from lecture String alph = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int[] counts = new int[26]; for (int k=0; k < message.length(); k++) { char ch = Character.toLowerCase(message.charAt(k)); int dex = alph.indexOf(ch); if (dex != -1) { counts[dex] += 1; } } return counts; } public int maxIndex(int[] values) { int maxDex = 0; for (int k=0; k  values[maxDex]) { maxDex = k; } } return maxDex; } public String halfOfString(String message, int start) { StringBuilder halfString = new StringBuilder(); for (int index=start;index < message.length();index += 2) { halfString.append(message.charAt(index)); } return halfString.toString(); } public void simpleTests() { FileResource fileResource = new FileResource(); String fileAsString = fileResource.asString(); CaesarCipherTwoKeys cctk = new CaesarCipherTwoKeys(17, 3); String encrypted = cctk.encrypt(fileAsString); System.out.println("Encrypted string:\n"+encrypted); String decrypted = cctk.decrypt(encrypted); System.out.println("Decrypted string:\n"+decrypted); String blindDecrypted = breakCaesarCipher(encrypted); System.out.println("Decrypted string using breakCaesarCipher():\n"+blindDecrypted); } public String breakCaesarCipher(String input) { int[] freqs = countOccurrencesOfLetters(input); int freqDex = maxIndex(freqs); int dkey = freqDex - 4; if (freqDex < 4) { dkey = 26 - (4-freqDex); } CaesarCipherTwoKeys cctk = new CaesarCipherTwoKeys(dkey); return cctk.decrypt(input); } } 

警告:我在这一行上也有一个构造函数错误CaesarCipherTwoKeys cctk = new CaesarCipherTwoKeys(dkey); CaesarCipherTwoKeys in class CaesarCipherTwoKeys cannot be applied to given types; required int,int; found int...声明CaesarCipherTwoKeys in class CaesarCipherTwoKeys cannot be applied to given types; required int,int; found int... CaesarCipherTwoKeys in class CaesarCipherTwoKeys cannot be applied to given types; required int,int; found int... CaesarCipherTwoKeys in class CaesarCipherTwoKeys cannot be applied to given types; required int,int; found int...

我现在使用的breakCaesarCipher方法只能找出一个键而不是两个键。 我该如何编写一个拆分加密字符串的方法,找出用于解密的两个密钥。

如果我正确理解您的代码,您可以调用halfOfString (两次)来获取密文的两个部分,然后使用您通常的方法分别在两个部分上破坏Ceaser-Cipher。

您的错误似乎是因为双键加密需要(不出所料)两个键。 你应该把它们都给构造函数。

 public String breakCaesarCipher(String input) { String in_0 = halfOfString(input, 0); String in_1 = halfOfString(input, 1); // Find first key // Determine character frequencies in ciphertext int[] freqs_0 = countOccurrencesOfLetters(in_0); // Get the most common character int freqDex_0 = maxIndex(freqs_0); // Calculate key such that 'E' would be mapped to the most common ciphertext character // since 'E' is expected to be the most common plaintext character int dkey_0 = freqDex_0 - 4; // Make sure our key is non-negative if (dkey_0 < 0) { dkey_0 = dkey_0+26; } // Find second key int[] freqs_1 = countOccurrencesOfLetters(in_1); int freqDex_1 = maxIndex(freqs_1); int dkey_1 = freqDex_1 - 4; if (freqDex_1 < 4) { dkey_1 = dkey_1+26; } CaesarCipherTwoKeys cctk = new CaesarCipherTwoKeys(dkey_0, dkey_1); return cctk.decrypt(input); }