



public class MyClassA implements MyClass { MyClassA function(MyClassA x) { doSomethingImplementedInMyClassA(x); } } 


 public class MyClassB implements MyClass { MyClassB function(MyClassB x) { doSomethingImplementedInMyClassB(x); } } 


 public interface MyClass { MyClass function(MyClass x); } 

显然不起作用,因为返回类型是MyClass而不是它的实现。 如何在Java中正确地做到这一点?


 public interface MyClass> { V function(V x); } public class MyClassA implements MyClass 

这称为CRTP 。

这并不完美; 它仍然会允许这样的事情

 public class MyClassB implements MyClass 

要正确地执行此操作,您需要更高级的类型[引证需要] ,Java不支持。


 interface MyClass { MyClass doSomething(); } class MyClassA implements MyClass { MyClassA doSomething() { //implementation here } } class MyClassB implements MyClass { MyClassB doSomething() { //implementation here } } 


我发现接口理想地用于定义行为,因此GroupElementA 是一个 GroupElement声音在概念上更准确,而GroupElementA 行为就像 GroupElement


 /** * An abstract group element. */ abstract class GroupElement { // attributes of all group elements } /** * Defines behavior for objects that can be multiplied with * GroupElements. */ interface GroupElementMultipliable { public GroupElement multiplyBy(GroupElement groupElement); } /** * Defines behavior for objects that can be divided by * GroupElements. */ interface GroupElementDivisible { public GroupElement divideBy(GroupElement groupElement); } /** * An abstract GroupElement that can perform operations like * multiplication and division. * * Then again this class may not be necessary. The interfaces * implemented here may actually be directly implemented by * GroupElementA. GroupElementA will also be the one to inherit * GroupElement. */ abstract class OperableGroupElement extends GroupElement implements GroupElementMultipliable, GroupElementDivisible { // attributes of all operable group elements } /** * A concrete GroupElement that can perform operations like * multiplication and division. */ class GroupElementA extends OperableGroupElement { @Override public GroupElementA multiplyBy(GroupElement groupElement) { // Since we expect to multiply with another GroupElementA // we attempt to typcast the groupElement GroupElementA groupElementA = (GroupElementA) groupElement; // do multiplication operation -- this * groupElementA // then return new self return this; } @Override public GroupElementA divideBy(GroupElement groupElement) { // Since we expect to divide by another GroupElementA // we attempt to typcast the groupElement GroupElementA groupElementA = (GroupElementA) groupElement; // do division operation -- this / groupElementA // then return new self return this; } } 


首先,您定义包含抽象方法的接口,这是一种尚未定义的方法。 提醒一个界面不是一个类!

 public interface Animal { public Animal reproduceWith(Animal someAnimal); } 

然后定义实现接口的类,并覆盖抽象方法,但现在使用您选择的代码实现它。 这样,类中唯一相同的是方法名称。 这有效地迫使类实现某种方法。

 public class Dog implements Animal { @Override public Animal reproduceWith(Animal someAnimal) { return new Dog(); } } public class Cat implements Animal { @Override public Animal reproduceWith(Animal someAnimal) { return new Cat(); } } 


 List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Cat()); list.add(new Dog()); Animal cat = new Cat(); Animal dog = new Dog(); for (Animal animal : list) { System.out.println(animal.reproduceWith(cat)); System.out.println(animal.reproduceWith(dog)); } 
