
我有几个实现一些接口的类。 接口有一个契约,有些方法应该同步,有些不应该,我想通过unit testing来validation所有实现的合同。 这些方法应该使用synchronized关键字或者锁定this – 非常类似于synchronizedCollection()包装器。 这意味着我应该能够在外部观察它。

要继续Collections.synchronizedCollection()的示例,如果我有一个线程调用iterator(),我仍然可以使用另一个线程进入add()等方法,因为iterator()不应该执行任何锁定。 另一方面,我应该能够在外部同步集合,并看到另一个线程阻塞add()。

有没有一种方法可以测试方法是否在JUnit测试中同步? 我想避免长时间的睡眠陈述。

如果你只是想检查方法是否具有synchronized修饰符,除了显而易见的(查看源代码/ Javadoc),你也可以使用reflection。





  // Substitute this LOCK with your monitor (could be you object you are // testing etc.) final Object LOCK = new Object(); Thread locker = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (LOCK) { try { Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Interrupted."); return; } } } }; locker.start(); Thread attempt = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // Do your test. } }; attempt.start(); try { long longEnough = 3000 * 1000;// It's in nano seconds long before = System.nanoTime(); attempt.join(longEnough); long after = System.nanoTime(); if (after - before < longEnough) { throw new AssertionError("FAIL"); } else { System.out.println("PASS"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return; } locker.interrupt(); 




 class Mock implements Argument { private final Object LOCK; private final Argument real; public Mock(Object obj, Argument real){ this.LOCK=obj; this.real = real; } @Overrides public void something(){ System.out.println("held:"+Thread.holdsLock(LOCK)); this.real.something(); } 


非常感谢Zwei steinen撰写我使用过的方法。 我完成的示例代码中存在一些问题,因此我认为值得在此处发布我的发现。

  • 对join()的调用需要几毫秒,而不是纳秒。
  • 必须协调两个线程,否则尝试线程可以在锁定器线程抓取锁之前开始和完成所有线程。
  • 在记录开始时间之前,不应启动尝试线程。 否则该线程获得足够的开头时间,记录的时间可能略小于超时,从而导致虚假失败。


 trait SynchronizedTestTrait { val classUnderTest: AnyRef class Gate { val latch = new java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch(1) def open() { this.latch.countDown } def await() { this.latch.await } } def nanoTime(code: => Unit) = { val before = System.nanoTime code val after = System.nanoTime after - before } def assertSynchronized(code: => Unit) { this.assertThreadSafety(threadSafe = true, millisTimeout = 10L)(code) } def assertNotSynchronized(code: => Unit) { this.assertThreadSafety(threadSafe = false, millisTimeout = 60L * 1000L)(code) } def assertThreadSafety(threadSafe: Boolean, millisTimeout: Long)(code: => Unit) { def spawn(code: => Unit) = { val result = new Thread { override def run = code } result.start() result } val gate = new Gate val lockHolderThread = spawn { this.classUnderTest.synchronized { // Don't let the other thread start until we've got the lock // Hold the lock until interruption try { Thread.sleep(java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE) } catch { case ignore: InterruptedException => return; } } } val measuredNanoTime = nanoTime { // Don't start until the other thread is synchronized on classUnderTest gate.await() spawn(code).join(millisTimeout, 0) } val nanoTimeout = millisTimeout * 1000L * 1000L Assert.assertEquals( "Measured " + measuredNanoTime + " ns but timeout was " + nanoTimeout + " ns.", threadSafe, measuredNanoTime > nanoTimeout) lockHolderThread.interrupt lockHolderThread.join } } 


 class MySynchronized { def synch = this.synchronized{} def unsynch = {} } 


 class MySynchronizedTest extends SynchronizedTestTrait { val classUnderTest = new MySynchronized @Test def synch_is_synchronized { this.assertSynchronized { this.classUnderTest.synch } } @Test def unsynch_not_synchronized { this.assertNotSynchronized { this.classUnderTest.unsynch } } } 

使用reflection,获取方法的Method对象,并在其上调用toString()。 “synchronized”关键字应出现在toString()的输出中。