
在Java API中,

Socket socket = serverSocket.accept(); BufferedReader fromSocket = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); PrintWriter toSocket = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream()); //do sth with fromSocket ... and close it fromSocket.close(); //then write to socket again toSocket.print("is socket connection still available?\r\n"); //close socket socket.close(); 

在上面的代码中,在我关闭InputStream fromSocket后,似乎套接字连接不再可用 – 客户端不会收到“仍然是套接字连接”消息。 这是否意味着关闭套接字的输入流也会关闭套接字本身?

是的,关闭输入流会关闭套接字。 您需要在套接字上使用shutdownInput方法,以仅关闭输入流 :

 //do sth with fromSocket ... and close it socket.shutdownInput(); 


 //then write to socket again toSocket.print("is socket connection still available?\r\n"); //close socket socket.close();