

Guava库有一个非常好的TimeLimiter ,可以让你在任何由接口定义的方法上执行此操作。 它可以为您的对象生成具有“内置”超时的代理。

在使用Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command)外部进程时,我做了类似的事情。 我想你可以在你的方法中做这样的事情:

 Timer timer = new Timer(true); InterruptTimerTask interruptTimerTask = new InterruptTimerTask(Thread.currentThread()); timer.schedule(interruptTimerTask, waitTimeout); try { // put here the portion of code that may take more than "waitTimeout" } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("timeout exeeded); } finally { timer.cancel(); } 


 /* * A TimerTask that interrupts the specified thread when run. */ protected class InterruptTimerTask extends TimerTask { private Thread theTread; public InterruptTimerTask(Thread theTread) { this.theTread = theTread; } @Override public void run() { theTread.interrupt(); } } 


我发现如果方法锁定某些东西而不释放CPU时间到Timer,则不会引发超时。 然后Timer无法启动新线程。 所以我立即通过启动线程改变一点并在线程内部睡眠。

  InterruptTimerTaskAddDel interruptTimerTask = new InterruptTimerTaskAddDel( Thread.currentThread(),timeout_msec); timer.schedule(interruptTimerTask, 0); /* * A TimerTask that interrupts the specified thread when run. */ class InterruptTimerTaskAddDel extends TimerTask { private Thread theTread; private long timeout; public InterruptTimerTaskAddDel(Thread theTread,long i_timeout) { this.theTread = theTread; timeout=i_timeout; } @Override public void run() { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(System.err); } theTread.interrupt(); } } 

您可以使用来自jcabi-aspects的 AOP和@Timeable注释(我是开发人员):

 @Timeable(limit = 1, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS) String load(String resource) { while (true) { if (Thread.currentThread.isInterrupted()) { throw new IllegalStateException("time out"); } // execution as usual } } 

当达到时间限制时,您的线程将被interrupted()标志设置为true ,您的工作是正确处理这种情况并停止执行。

此外,请查看此博客文章: http : //www.yegor256.com/2014/06/20/limit-method-execution-time.html