
初学Java程序员在这里。 我试图将三个字符串相互比较,并让系统按字典顺序吐出第二个/中间字。

import java.util.*; public class Ordered2 { public static void main(String[] args) { String firstString, secondString, thirdString; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter three different strings."); System.out.println("The string in the middle order lexicographically will be displayed."); firstString = keyboard.nextLine(); secondString = keyboard.nextLine(); thirdString = keyboard.nextLine(); String topString, middleString, bottomString; if (firstString.compareTo(secondString) > 0 && (firstString.compareTo(thirdString) > 0)) { topString = firstString; } else if (firstString.compareTo(secondString)  0)) { middleString = firstString; } else { bottomString = firstString; } if (secondString.compareTo(firstString) > 0 && (secondString.compareTo(thirdString) > 0)) { topString = secondString; } else if (secondString.compareTo(firstString)  0)) { middleString = secondString; } else { bottomString = secondString; } if (thirdString.compareTo(secondString) > 0 && (thirdString.compareTo(firstString) > 0)) { topString = thirdString; } else if (thirdString.compareTo(secondString)  0)) { middleString = thirdString; } else { bottomString = thirdString; } System.out.println("The second string in lexicographic order: " + middleString); } } 

这不编译,并告诉我中间字符串尚未初始化。 任何帮助,将不胜感激。

Java编译器不知道if语句的哪个分支将被执行。 这意味着如果在一个分支中初始化变量而不在另一个分支中初始化变量,则不保证变量具有分配给它的值。 在您的代码中,所有变量当然都会被初始化,但编译器无法知道这一点,因此您的错误。 您可以将三个初始化为null或空字符串。 替换String topString, middleString, bottomString;

 String topString = null; String middleString = null; String bottomString = null; 


 import java.util.*; public class Ordered2 { public static void main(String[] args) { String firstString, secondString, thirdString; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter three different strings."); System.out.println("The string in the middle order lexicographically will be displayed."); firstString = keyboard.nextLine(); secondString = keyboard.nextLine(); thirdString = keyboard.nextLine(); String[] array = new String[] {firstString, secondString, thirdString}; Arrays.sort(array); System.out.println("The second string in lexicographic order: " + array[1]); } } 

Arrays.sort()为您排序字符串。 将第二个(索引1)字符串从排序数组中取出,可以得到中间字符串。 如果要使用不区分大小写的排序进行排序,可以使用Arrays.sort(array, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)


 System.out.println("The second string in lexicographic order: " + middleString); 


 String middleString =""; 


 String topString = ""; String middleString = ""; String bottomString = ""; 



 if (firstString.compareTo(secondString) > 0 && (firstString.compareTo(thirdString) > 0)) { topString = firstString; } else if (firstString.compareTo(secondString) < 0 && (firstString.compareTo(thirdString) > 0)) { middleString = firstString; } else { bottomString = firstString; } 

(我跟你的方法一致,我认为可以通过一些调整来实现。)我将调用字符串S1,S2,S3。 假设没有一个字符串相等,则需要考虑四种情况。 我已经列出了这些,以及上面的代码正在做什么:

 S1 > S2 and S1 > S3 S1 is the top string S1 > S2 and S1 < S3 S1 is the bottom string S1 < S2 and S1 > S3 S1 is the middle string S1 < S2 and S1 < S3 S1 is the bottom string 

其中一个是错的。 看见?

(我没有检查过其他两个if 。你应该做同样的事情,看看每个案例四个。)


 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; public class StringSorter { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter the FIRST string:"); String first = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the SECOND string:"); String second = scanner.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter the THIRD string:"); String third = scanner.nextLine(); List strings = new ArrayList(); strings.add(first); strings.add(second); strings.add(third); System.out.println("Before sort:"); for (String s : strings) { System.out.println(s); } Collections.sort(strings); System.out.println("After sort:"); for (String s : strings) { System.out.println(s); } System.out.println("The Middle String is '" + strings.get(1) + "'"); scanner.close(); } } 


 Enter the FIRST string: John Enter the SECOND string: JOHN Enter the THIRD string: Kevin Before sort: John JOHN Kevin After sort: JOHN John Kevin The Middle String is 'John'