

  public ExtendedGetUserDto convertToExtendedDto(User user) { PropertyMap userMap = new PropertyMap() { protected void configure() { map().setDescription(source.getDescription()); map().setId(source.getId()); // map().setReceivedExpenses( // source.getReceivedExpenses() // .stream() // .map(expense -> expenseDtoConverter.convertToDto(expense)) // .collect(Collectors.toSet()) // ); Set result = new HashSet(); for (Invitation inv: source.getReceivedInvitations()) { System.out.println("HELLO"); //result.add(null); } //map().setReceivedInvitations(result); } }; modelMapper.addMappings(userMap); return, ExtendedGetUserDto.class); } 


 org.modelmapper.ConfigurationException: ModelMapper configuration errors: 1) Invalid source method Ensure that method has zero parameters and does not return void. 2) Invalid source method Ensure that method has zero parameters and does not return void. 2 errors 

在花了一些时间而没有找到根本原因之后,我试图删除DTO中所有可疑的循环依赖(我在GetExpenseDto引用了GetUserDto ,使用了GetExpenseDto的返回结果)我仍然收到相同的错误,我注释掉了map().setReceivedExpenses (正如你在代码中看到的那样)并用简单的for循环替换它。


 1) Invalid source method Ensure that method has zero parameters and does not return void. 



 @Entity @Table(name="User") public class User implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) @Column(name="id") private long id; @Column(name = "name") private String name; @Size(min=15, max=15) @Column(name="image_id") private String imageId; @Size(max=100) @Column(name="description") private String description; @OneToMany(mappedBy="admin") private Set ownedGroups; @ManyToMany(mappedBy="members") private Set memberGroups; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy="owner") private Set ownedExpenses; @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH, fetch=FetchType.EAGER) private Set receivedExpenses; @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private Set ownedInvitations; @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private Set receivedInvitations; //setters and getters for attributes }

 public class ExtendedGetUserDto extends GetUserDto { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Set receivedInvitations; private Set receivedExpenses; private Set ownedExpenses; private Set ownedGroups; private Set memberGroups; //setters and getters for attributes } 


在Javadoc中 :

PropertyMap使用嵌入式域特定语言(EDSL)来定义源和目标方法和值如何相互映射。 Mapping EDSL允许您使用引用要映射的源和目标属性的实际代码来定义映射。 EDSL的用法在以下实施例中说明。

从技术上讲,它涉及字节码分析,操作和代理,并且它需要适合此EDSL的Java方法调用。 这个聪明的技巧允许ModelMapper记录您的映射指令,并随意重放它们

要了解库源代码:您得到的错误是invalidSourceMethod , 在ExplicitMappingVisitor中抛出此处,其中ObjectMapper访问并使用ASM库检测 configure方法的代码。

以下示例是一个独立的可运行示例,应该有助于澄清。 我邀请您在ModelMapperTest.java复制它并实际运行它,然后在configure()切换注释以重现错误:

 import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper; import org.modelmapper.PropertyMap; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; public class ModelMapperTest { public static void main(String[] args) { PropertyMap propertyMap = new PropertyMap() { protected void configure() { /* This is executed exactly ONCE, to "record" the mapping instructions. * The bytecode of this configure() method is analyzed to produce new mapping code, * a new dynamically-generated class with a method that will basically contain the same instructions * that will be "replayed" each time you actually map an object later. * But this can only work if the instructions are simple enough (ie follow the DSL). * If you add non-compliant code here, it will break before "configure" is invoked. * Non-compliant code is supposedly anything that does not follow the DSL. * In practice, the framework only tracks what happens to "map()" and "source", so * as long as print instructions do not access the source or target data (like below), * the framework will ignore them, and they are safe to leave for debug. */ System.out.println("Entering configure()"); // This works List things = source.getThings(); map().setThingsCSVFromList(things); // This would fail (not because of Java 8 code, but because of non-DSL code that accesses the data) // String csv =",")); // map().setThingsCSV(csv); System.out.println("Exiting configure()"); } }; ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper(); modelMapper.addMappings(propertyMap); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.setThings(Arrays.asList("a"+i, "b"+i, "c"+i)); FooDTO dto = new FooDTO();, dto); // The configure method is not re-executed, but the dynamically generated mapper method is. System.out.println(dto.getThingsCSV()); } } public static class Foo { List things; public List getThings() { return things; } public void setThings(List things) { this.things = things; } } public static class FooDTO { String thingsCSV; public String getThingsCSV() { return thingsCSV; } public void setThingsCSV(String thingsCSV) { this.thingsCSV = thingsCSV; } public void setThingsCSVFromList(List things) { setThingsCSV(","))); } } } 


 Entering configure() Exiting configure() a0,b0,c0 a1,b1,c1 a2,b2,c2 a3,b3,c3 a4,b4,c4 

因此, configure()只执行一次以记录映射指令,然后生成的映射代码(不是configure()本身) 重放 5次,每次对象映射一次。


 Exception in thread "main" org.modelmapper.ConfigurationException: ModelMapper configuration errors: 1) Invalid source method Ensure that method has zero parameters and does not return void. 

简而言之,您无法直接在PropertyMap.configure()执行复杂的自定义逻辑,但您可以调用这样做的方法 。 这是因为框架只需要检测处理纯映射逻辑(即DSL)的字节码部分,它不关心这些方法中发生了什么。

(A – legacy,for Java 6/7)严格限制DSL所要求的configure内容。 例如,将您的“特殊需求”(记录,收集逻辑等)移动到DTO本身的专用方法。


请注意,doc表示PropertyMap.configure ,其DSL主要用于Java 6/7,但Java 8和lambdas现在允许优雅的解决方案,其优点是不需要字节码操作魔法。

(B – Java 8)查看其他选项 ,例如Converter

这是另一个例子(使用与上面相同的数据类,以及整个类型的Converter ,因为这更适合我的例子,但你可以按属性执行):

  Converter converter = context -> { FooDTO dto = new FooDTO(); dto.setThingsCSV( context.getSource().getThings().stream() .collect(Collectors.joining(","))); return dto; }; ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper(); modelMapper.createTypeMap(Foo.class, FooDTO.class) .setConverter(converter); Foo foo = new Foo(); foo.setThings(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")); FooDTO dto =, FooDTO.class); System.out.println(dto.getThingsCSV()); // a,b,c