libGDX – 添加分数并将其显示在屏幕的左上角?

以下是libGDX中简单游戏的示例代码。 当雨滴落入水桶时,分数应增加1。 总分应显示在左上角。

如果错过3滴而不是显示GAME OVER。 我知道要增加分数,但我不知道要显示它。 谢谢。

public class Drop implements ApplicationListener { Texture dropImage; Texture bucketImage; Sound dropSound; Music rainMusic; SpriteBatch batch; OrthographicCamera camera; Rectangle bucket; Array raindrops; long lastDropTime; @Override public void create() { // load the images for the droplet and the bucket, 64x64 pixels each dropImage = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("droplet.png")); bucketImage = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("bucket.png")); // load the drop sound effect and the rain background "music" dropSound ="drop.wav")); rainMusic ="rain.mp3")); // start the playback of the background music immediately rainMusic.setLooping(true);; // create the camera and the SpriteBatch camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(false, 800, 480); batch = new SpriteBatch(); // create a Rectangle to logically represent the bucket bucket = new Rectangle(); bucket.x = 800 / 2 - 64 / 2; // center the bucket horizontally bucket.y = 20; // bottom left corner of the bucket is 20 pixels above the bottom screen edge bucket.width = 64; bucket.height = 64; // create the raindrops array and spawn the first raindrop raindrops = new Array(); spawnRaindrop(); } private void spawnRaindrop() { Rectangle raindrop = new Rectangle(); raindrop.x = MathUtils.random(0, 800-64); raindrop.y = 480; raindrop.width = 64; raindrop.height = 64; raindrops.add(raindrop); lastDropTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); } @Override public void render() { // clear the screen with a dark blue color. The // arguments to glClearColor are the red, green // blue and alpha component in the range [0,1] // of the color to be used to clear the screen., 0, 0.2f, 1);; // tell the camera to update its matrices. camera.update(); // tell the SpriteBatch to render in the // coordinate system specified by the camera. batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); // begin a new batch and draw the bucket and // all drops batch.begin(); batch.draw(bucketImage, bucket.x, bucket.y); for(Rectangle raindrop: raindrops) { batch.draw(dropImage, raindrop.x, raindrop.y); } batch.end(); // process user input if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) { Vector3 touchPos = new Vector3(); touchPos.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0); camera.unproject(touchPos); bucket.x = touchPos.x - 64 / 2; } if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.LEFT)) bucket.x -= 200 *; if(Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Keys.RIGHT)) bucket.x += 200 *; // make sure the bucket stays within the screen bounds if(bucket.x  800 - 64) bucket.x = 800 - 64; // check if we need to create a new raindrop if(TimeUtils.nanoTime() - lastDropTime > 1000000000) spawnRaindrop(); // move the raindrops, remove any that are beneath the bottom edge of // the screen or that hit the bucket. In the later case we play back // a sound effect as well. Iterator iter = raindrops.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Rectangle raindrop =; raindrop.y -= 200 *; if(raindrop.y + 64 < 0) iter.remove(); if(raindrop.overlaps(bucket)) {; iter.remove(); } } } @Override public void dispose() { // dispose of all the native resources dropImage.dispose(); bucketImage.dispose(); dropSound.dispose(); rainMusic.dispose(); batch.dispose(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { } @Override public void pause() { } @Override public void resume() { } } 




 private int score; private String yourScoreName; BitmapFont yourBitmapFontName; 


 public void create() score = 0; yourScoreName = "score: 0"; yourBitmapFontName = new BitmapFont(); 


 if(raindrop.overlaps(bucket)) { score++; yourScoreName = "score: " + score;; iter.remove(); 


 batch.begin(); yourBitmapFontName.setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); yourBitmapFontName.draw(batch, yourScoreName, 25, 100); batch.end(); 

使用:font.setColor()方法中的参数,以便您可以看到它们与背景颜色形成对比,font.draw()方法中的数字参数可以获得左上角显示的得分相关纹理( font.draw()方法中的最后两个数字参数表示得分纹理的x和y坐标。


相同的逻辑将适用于显示“GAME OVER”。 出于启发式目的,我将把逻辑的创建留给你。



 Stage stage = new Stage(); stage = new Stage(); stage.setCamera(cam); stage.setViewport(WIDTH, HEIGHT, false); 

然后你必须创建一个标签和一个文本字体。 所以你可以在libgdx wiki上查看详细信息。

 Label text; LabelStyle textStyle; BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(); //font.setUseIntegerPositions(false);(Optional) textStyle = new LabelStyle(); textStyle.font = font; text = new Label("Gamever",textStyle); text.setBounds(0,.2f,Room.WIDTH,2); text.setFontScale(1f,1f); 

