查找XML文档中的所有名称空间声明 – xPath 1.0 vs xPath 2.0

作为Java 6应用程序的一部分,我想在XML文档中查找所有名称空间声明,包括任何重复项。

编辑 :Per Martin的请求,这是我正在使用的Java代码:

XPathFactory xPathFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xPath = xPathFactory.newXPath(); XPathExpression xPathExpression = xPathExpression = xPath.compile("//namespace::*"); NodeList nodeList = (NodeList) xPathExpression.evaluate(xmlDomDocument, XPathConstants.NODESET); 


   a e txt:f  

要查找所有名称空间声明,我使用xPath 1.0将此xPath语句应用于XML文档:



 /root[1]/@xmlns:att - attribute.com /root[1]/@xmlns:ele - element.com /root[1]/@xmlns:txt - textnode.com /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace 

但是,如果我改为使用xPath 2.0 ,那么我将获得16个名称空间声明(前面的每个声明4次),这不是我期望的(或期望的):

 /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace /root[1]/@xmlns:att - attribute.com /root[1]/@xmlns:ele - element.com /root[1]/@xmlns:txt - textnode.com /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace /root[1]/@xmlns:att - attribute.com /root[1]/@xmlns:ele - element.com /root[1]/@xmlns:txt - textnode.com /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace /root[1]/@xmlns:att - attribute.com /root[1]/@xmlns:ele - element.com /root[1]/@xmlns:txt - textnode.com /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace /root[1]/@xmlns:att - attribute.com /root[1]/@xmlns:ele - element.com /root[1]/@xmlns:txt - textnode.com 



在oXygen中测试过各种XML解析器(LIBXML,MSXML.NET,Saxon)。 ( 编辑:正如我在后面的评论中提到的,这种说法不正确。虽然我认为我正在测试各种XML解析器,但我真的不是。)

问题1:为什么从xPath 1.0到xPath 2.0的区别?

问题2:使用xPath 2.0获得所需结果是否可能/合理?

提示:在xPath 2.0中使用distinct-values()函数不会返回所需的结果,因为我想要所有名称空间声明,即使同一名称空间被声明两次。 例如,考虑这个XML文档:

   alpha bravo  


 /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace /root[1]/bar:one[1]/@xmlns:bar - http://www.bar.com /root[1]/bar:two[1]/@xmlns:bar - http://www.bar.com 


 for $i in 1 to count(//namespace::*) return if (empty(index-of((//namespace::*)[position() = (1 to ($i - 1))][name() = name((//namespace::*)[$i])], (//namespace::*)[$i]))) then (//namespace::*)[$i] else () 

要查找所有名称空间声明,我使用xPath 1.0将此xPath语句应用于XML文档:

 //namespace::* It finds 4 namespace declarations, which is what I expect (and desire): /root[1]/@xmlns:att - attribute.com /root[1]/@xmlns:ele - element.com /root[1]/@xmlns:txt - textnode.com /root[1]/@xmlns:xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace 

您正在使用不符合(错误)的XPath 1.0实现

我得到的所有XSLT 1.0处理器都得到了不同的正确结果。 此转换(仅评估XPath表达式并为每个选定的命名空间节点打印一行):



  a e txt:f  


 xml: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ele: element.com att: attribute.com txt: textnode.com xml: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ele: element.com att: attribute.com txt: textnode.com xml: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ele: element.com att: attribute.com txt: textnode.com xml: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace ele: element.com att: attribute.com txt: textnode.com 

使用所有这些XSLT 1.0和XSLT 2.0处理器

MSXML3,MSXML4,MSXML6,.NET XslCompiledTransform,.NET XslTransform,Altova(XML SPY),Saxon 6.5.4,Saxon 9.1.07,XQSharp。


 namespace TestNamespaces { using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml.XPath; class Test { static void Main(string[] args) { string xml = @" a e txt:f "; XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument(new StringReader(xml)); double count = (double) doc.CreateNavigator().Evaluate("count(//namespace::*)"); Console.WriteLine(count); } } } 




这是一个XPath 2.0表达式,它只找到“distinct”命名空间节点,并为每个节点生成一行名称 – 值对:

 for $i in distinct-values( for $ns in //namespace::* return index-of( (for $x in //namespace::* return concat(name($x), ' ', string($x)) ), concat(name($ns), ' ', string($ns)) ) [1] ) return for $x in (//namespace::*)[$i] return concat(name($x), ' :', string($x), '

正如前面的线程所示, //namespace::*将返回所有命名空间节点,其中有16个,根据XPath 1.0和XPath 2.0实现。 如果您发现一个没有正确实现规范的实现,我并不感到惊讶。

通常无法使用XPath 1.0或XPath 2.0查找所有命名空间声明(与命名空间节点不同),因为以下两个文档在数据模型级别被认为是等效的:





但是,如果我们将“重要的名称空间声明”定义为存在于子元素上但不存在于其父元素上的命名空间,那么您可以尝试使用此XPath 2.0表达式:

 for $e in //* return for $n in $e/namespace::* return if (not(some $p in $n/../namespace::* satisfies ($p/name() eq $e/name() and string($p) eq string($n)))) then concat($e/name(), '->', $n/name(), '=', string($n)) else () 

以下是我使用.NET的XPathDocument (XSLT / XPath 1.0数据模型), XmlDocument (DOM数据模型)和MSXML 6的DOM的XPath 1.0实现的结果; 针对您的示例XML文档运行的测试代码是

  Console.WriteLine("XPathDocument:"); XPathDocument xpathDoc = new XPathDocument("../../XMLFile4.xml"); foreach (XPathNavigator nav in xpathDoc.CreateNavigator().Select("//namespace::*")) { Console.WriteLine("Node type: {0}; name: {1}; value: {2}.", nav.NodeType, nav.Name, nav.Value); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("DOM XmlDocument:"); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load("../../XMLFile4.xml"); foreach (XmlNode node in doc.SelectNodes("//namespace::*")) { Console.WriteLine("Node type: {0}; name: {1}; value: {2}.", node.NodeType, node.Name, node.Value); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("MSXML 6 DOM:"); dynamic msxmlDoc = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")); msxmlDoc.load("../../XMLFile4.xml"); foreach (dynamic node in msxmlDoc.selectNodes("//namespace::*")) { Console.WriteLine("Node type: {0}; name: {1}; value: {2}.", node.nodeType, node.name, node.nodeValue); } 


 XPathDocument: Node type: Namespace; name: txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Namespace; name: att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Namespace; name: ele; value: element.com. Node type: Namespace; name: xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: Namespace; name: txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Namespace; name: att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Namespace; name: ele; value: element.com. Node type: Namespace; name: xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: Namespace; name: txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Namespace; name: att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Namespace; name: ele; value: element.com. Node type: Namespace; name: xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: Namespace; name: txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Namespace; name: att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Namespace; name: ele; value: element.com. Node type: Namespace; name: xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. DOM XmlDocument: Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespa ce. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespa ce. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespa ce. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: Attribute; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespa ce. MSXML 6 DOM: Node type: 2; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:xml; value: http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:ele; value: element.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:att; value: attribute.com. Node type: 2; name: xmlns:txt; value: textnode.com. 

所以它肯定不是XPath 1.0与XPath 2.0问题。 我认为你看到的问题是将XPath数据模型与命名空间节点映射到具有属性节点的DOM模型的缺点。 更熟悉Java XPath API的人需要告诉您,您看到的行为是否正确依赖于实现,因为API规范对于将XPath命名空间轴映射到DOM模型或者是否是错误的情况来说不够精确。