


private void validateString(String myString) throws CustomException { if (myString.toLowerCase().matches(".*dummy.*")) throw new CustomException("String has the invalid word!"); } 

我试图通过reflection访问私有方法,但测试失败! 它显示以下exception:

 java.lang.AssertionError:Expected test to throw (an instance of com.myproject.exception.CustomException and exception with message a string containing "String has the invalid word!") 



  @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void shouldThrowExceptionForInvalidString() { thrown.expect(CustomException.class); thrown.expectMessage("String has the invalid word!"); try { MyClass myCls = new MyClass(); Method valStr = myCls.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "validateString", String.class); valStr.setAccessible(true); valStr.invoke(myCls, "This is theDummyWord find it if you can."); } catch (InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException n) { if (n.getCause().getClass() == CustomException.class) { throw new CustomException("String has the invalid word!"); } } } 


 @Test public void shouldThrowExceptionForInvalidString() { try { MyClass myCls = new MyClass(); Method valStr = myCls.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "validateString", String.class); valStr.setAccessible(true); valStr.invoke(myCls, "This is theDummyWord find it if you can."); } catch (Exception e) { assert(e instanceOf CustomException); assert(e.getMessage.equals("String has the invalid word!")); } } 


 @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void shouldThrowExceptionForInvalidString() { thrown.expect(CustomException.class); thrown.expectMessage("String has the invalid word!"); MyClass myCls = new MyClass(); Method valStr = myCls.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("validateString", String.class); valStr.setAccessible(true); valStr.invoke(myCls, "This is theDummyWord find it if you can."); }