
我正在使用Eclipse JUno,我遇到了arraylist的.add()问题请帮助。我的代码是

import java.util.ArrayList; public class A { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list=new ArrayList(); list.add(90); list.add(9.9); list.add("abc"); list.add(true); System.out.println(list); } } 


  Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: The method add(int, Object) in the type ArrayList is not applicable for the arguments (int) The method add(Object) in the type ArrayList is not applicable for the arguments (double) The method add(Object) in the type ArrayList is not applicable for the arguments (boolean) at A.main(A.java:7) 




我想你使用的是java 1.5之前的版本。 Autoboxing在java 1.5中引入。 你的代码在java 1.5+上编译得很好。


 javac -source 1.4 A.java A.java:7: error: no suitable method found for add(int) list.add(90); ^ method ArrayList.add(int,Object) is not applicable (actual and formal argument lists differ in length) method ArrayList.add(Object) is not applicable (actual argument int cannot be converted to Object by method invocation conversion) A.java:8: error: no suitable method found for add(double) list.add(9.9); ^ method ArrayList.add(int,Object) is not applicable (actual and formal argument lists differ in length) method ArrayList.add(Object) is not applicable (actual argument double cannot be converted to Object by method invocation conversion) A.java:10: error: no suitable method found for add(boolean) list.add(true); ^ method ArrayList.add(int,Object) is not applicable (actual and formal argument lists differ in length) method ArrayList.add(Object) is not applicable (actual argument boolean cannot be converted to Object by method invocation conversion) 3 errors 


 javac -source 1.5 A.java warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5 Note: A.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. 1 warning 


适用于JDK 6

 public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList list=new ArrayList(); list.add(90); list.add(9.9); list.add("abc"); list.add(true); System.out.println(list); } 

印刷结果 :[90,9.9,abc,true]。

如果你仍然使用比jdk 6更小的版本。请指定版本。



这些都是原始数据类型,而不是方法所期望的“对象”。 我相信这里没有发生自动装箱,因为你使用的是字面值,但我对此并不确定。 不过,要解决此问题,请使用每个基元的关联对象类型:

 ArrayList list=new ArrayList(); list.add(new Integer(90)); list.add(new Double(9.9)); list.add("abc"); list.add(new Boolean(true)); System.out.println(list); 




 ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); 

但是,如果您运行Java 1.4或更低版本,显然这不是一个好习惯。