图书馆将Facebook登录与Play Framework集成?

我正在学习使用Play Framework并为它做一个演示应用程序。

对于这个应用程序,我还想与Facebook API集成,允许用户使用Facebook ID登录。 知道Play是一个无状态框架及其工作方式,建议使用一些库或模块吗?



Facebook Java API也应该这样做。

最新的Play! Framework v1.2.2包含一个带有Facebook OAuth2协议的示例。


import models.User; import play.Logger; import play.libs.OAuth2; import play.libs.WS; import play.mvc.Before; import play.mvc.Controller; import com.google.gson.JsonObject; public class Application extends Controller { // The following keys correspond to a test application // registered on Facebook, and associated with the loisant.org domain. // You need to bind loisant.org to your machine with /etc/hosts to // test the application locally. public static OAuth2 FACEBOOK = new OAuth2( "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/authorize", "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token", "95341411595", "8eff1b488da7fe3426f9ecaf8de1ba54" ); public static void index() { User u = connected(); JsonObject me = null; if (u != null && u.access_token != null) { me = WS.url("https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=%s", WS.encode(u.access_token)).get().getJson().getAsJsonObject(); } render(me); } public static void auth() { if (OAuth2.isCodeResponse()) { User u = connected(); OAuth2.Response response = FACEBOOK.retrieveAccessToken(authURL()); u.access_token = response.accessToken; u.save(); index(); } FACEBOOK.retrieveVerificationCode(authURL()); } @Before static void setuser() { User user = null; if (session.contains("uid")) { Logger.info("existing user: " + session.get("uid")); user = User.get(Long.parseLong(session.get("uid"))); } if (user == null) { user = User.createNew(); session.put("uid", user.uid); } renderArgs.put("user", user); } static String authURL() { return play.mvc.Router.getFullUrl("Application.auth"); } static User connected() { return (User)renderArgs.get("user"); } } 



您还可以查看http://code.google.com/p/socialauth/ 。 看起来很有希