CountDownLatch InterruptedException



private CountDownLatch initWaitHandle = new CountDownLatch(1); /** * This method will block until the thread has fully initialized, this should only be called from different threads Ensure that the thread has started before this is called. */ public void ensureInitialized() { assert this.isAlive() : "The thread should be started before calling this method."; assert Thread.currentThread() != this, "This should be called from a different thread (potential deadlock)"; while(true) { try { //we wait until the updater thread initializes the cache //that way we know initWaitHandle.await(); break;//if we get here the latch is zero and we are done } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Thread interrupted", e); } } } 

这种模式有意义吗? 基本上忽略InterruptedException是一个好主意,只要等到它成功。 我想我只是不明白这会被打断的情况所以我不知道我是否应该以不同的方式处理它们。


这正是您不应该为InterruptedException做的事情。 InterruptedException基本上是该线程终止的礼貌请求。 线程应该尽快清理并退出。

IBM发表了一篇很好的文章: http : //


 // Run while not interrupted. while(!(Thread.interrupted()) { try { // Do whatever here. } catch(InterruptedException e) { // This will cause the current thread's interrupt flag to be set. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } // Perform cleanup and exit thread. 

这样做的好处是:如果在阻塞方法中线程被中断,则不会设置中断位,而是抛出InterruptedException 。 如果您的线程在没有阻塞方法的情况下被中断,则将设置被中断的位,并且不会抛出任何exception。 因此,通过调用interrupt()在exception上设置标志,两种情况都被标准化为第一种情况,然后由循环条件检查。



  catch (InterruptedException e){ throw new AssertionError("Unexpected Interruption",e); } 

这样,如果发生这种中断,应用程序将明显失败,从而使测试期间更容易发现。 然后你可以考虑应用程序应该如何处理它,或者它们是否是设计中的任何问题。