
在为Java API编写unit testing时,可能会出现需要对exception执行更详细validation的情况。 比JUnit提供的@test注释提供的更多。

例如,考虑一个应该从其他接口捕获exception的类,包装该exception并抛出包装的exception。 您可能需要validation:

  1. 抛出包装exception的确切方法调用。
  2. 包装器exception将原始exception作为其原因。
  3. 包装器exception的消息。

这里的要点是,您希望在unit testing中对exception进行额外的validation(而不是关于是否应该validationexception消息等事项的争论)。


在JUnit 4中,可以使用ExpectedException规则轻松完成。


// These tests all pass. public static class HasExpectedException { @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); @Test public void throwsNothing() { // no exception expected, none thrown: passes. } @Test public void throwsNullPointerException() { thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); throw new NullPointerException(); } @Test public void throwsNullPointerExceptionWithMessage() { thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); thrown.expectMessage("happened?"); thrown.expectMessage(startsWith("What")); throw new NullPointerException("What happened?"); } } 

根据你的答案 ,这是一个很好的方法。 除此之外:


 @Test @ExpectedException(class=WrapperException.class, message="Exception Message", causeException) public void testAnExceptionWrappingFunction() { //whatever you test } 


另一个原因是:我喜欢Annotations 🙂

看看提出的答案,你真的可以感受到Java中没有闭包的痛苦。 恕我直言,最可读的解决方案是你好老尝试抓住。

 @Test public void test() { ... ... try { ... fail("No exception caught :("); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { assertEquals(Whatever.class, ex.getCause().getClass()); assertEquals("Message", ex.getMessage()); } } 

对于JUNIT 3.x

 public void test(){ boolean thrown = false; try{ mightThrowEx(); } catch ( Surprise expected ){ thrown = true; assertEquals( "message", expected.getMessage()); } assertTrue(thrown ); } 


 try { myObject.doThings(); fail("Should've thrown SomeException!"); } catch (SomeException e) { assertEquals("something", e.getSomething()); } 

我花了一些时间思考这个问题,并想出了以下内容(Java5,JUnit 3.x):

 // Functor interface for exception assertion. public interface AssertionContainer { void invoke() throws T; void validate(T throwable); Class getType(); } // Actual assertion method. public  void assertThrowsException(AssertionContainer functor) { try { functor.invoke(); fail("Should've thrown "+functor.getType()+"!"); } catch (Throwable exc) { assertSame("Thrown exception was of the wrong type! Expected "+functor.getClass()+", actual "+exc.getType(), exc.getClass(), functor.getType()); functor.validate((T) exc); } } // Example implementation for servlet I used to actually test this. It was an inner class, actually. AssertionContainer functor = new AssertionContainer() { public void invoke() throws ServletException { servlet.getRequiredParameter(request, "some_param"); } public void validate(ServletException e) { assertEquals("Parameter \"some_param\" wasn't found!", e.getMessage()); } public Class getType() { return ServletException.class; } } // And this is how it's used. assertThrowsException(functor); 

看着这两个我无法决定哪一个我更喜欢。 我想这是实现目标的问题之一(在我的情况下,使用functor参数的断言方法)从长远来看是不值得的,因为这样做6+代码来断言尝试要容易得多..catch块。



即使没有闭包,我们也可以获得更易读的解决方案(使用catch-exception ):

 import static com.googlecode.catchexception.CatchException.*; public void test() { ... ... catchException(nastyBoy).doNastyStuff(); assertTrue(caughtException() instanceof WhateverException); assertEquals("Message", caughtException().getMessage()); } 


 /** * Run a test body expecting an exception of the * given class and with the given message. * * @param test To be executed and is expected to throw the exception. * @param expectedException The type of the expected exception. * @param expectedMessage If not null, should be the message of the expected exception. * @param expectedCause If not null, should be the same as the cause of the received exception. */ public static void expectException( Runnable test, Class expectedException, String expectedMessage, Throwable expectedCause) { try { test.run(); } catch (Exception ex) { assertSame(expectedException, ex.getClass()); if (expectedMessage != null) { assertEquals(expectedMessage, ex.getMessage()); } if (expectedCause != null) { assertSame(expectedCause, ex.getCause()); } return; } fail("Didn't find expected exception of type " + expectedException.getName()); } 


 TestHelper.expectException( new Runnable() { public void run() { classInstanceBeingTested.methodThatThrows(); } }, WrapperException.class, "Exception Message", causeException ); 


 testBla(){ try { someFailingMethod() fail(); //method provided by junit } catch(Exception e) { //do nothing } } 


 public class ExpectExceptionsExecutor { private ExpectExceptionsExecutor() { } public static void execute(ExpectExceptionsTemplate e) { Class aClass = e.getExpectedException(); try { Method method = ExpectExceptionsTemplate.class.getMethod("doInttemplate"); method.invoke(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e1) { Throwable throwable = e1.getTargetException(); if (!aClass.isAssignableFrom(throwable.getClass())) { // assert false fail("Exception isn't the one expected"); } else { assertTrue("Exception captured ", true); return; } ; } catch (IllegalAccessException e1) { throw new RuntimeException(); } fail("No exception has been thrown"); } } 


 public interface ExpectExceptionsTemplate { /** * Specify the type of exception that doInttemplate is expected to throw * @return */ Class getExpectedException(); /** * Execute risky code inside this method * TODO specify expected exception using an annotation */ public void doInttemplate(); } 


 @Test public void myTest() throws Exception { ExpectExceptionsExecutor.execute(new ExpectExceptionsTemplate() { @Override public Class getExpectedException() { return IllegalArgumentException.class; } @Override public void doInttemplate() { riskyMethod.doSomething(null); } }); } 

它看起来真的很冗长但如果你使用具有良好自动完成function的IDE,你只需要编写exception类型和正在测试的实际代码。 (其余的将由IDE完成:D)

对于JUnit 5,它更容易:

  @Test void testAppleIsSweetAndRed() throws Exception { IllegalArgumentException ex = assertThrows( IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> testClass.appleIsSweetAndRed("orange", "red", "sweet")); assertEquals("this is the exception message", ex.getMessage()); assertEquals(NullPointerException.class, ex.getCause().getClass()); } 

通过返回exception对象本身, assertThrows()允许您测试有关抛出exception的每个方面。