
我想知道在以下示例中有哪些替代方法可以避免死锁。 以下示例是传输死锁问题的典型银行帐户。 在实践中有哪些更好的解决方法?

class Account { double balance; int id; public Account(int id, double balance){ this.balance = balance; this.id = id; } void withdraw(double amount){ balance -= amount; } void deposit(double amount){ balance += amount; } } class Main{ public static void main(String [] args){ final Account a = new Account(1,1000); final Account b = new Account(2,300); Thread a = new Thread(){ public void run(){ transfer(a,b,200); } }; Thread b = new Thread(){ public void run(){ transfer(b,a,300); } }; a.start(); b.start(); } public static void transfer(Account from, Account to, double amount){ synchronized(from){ synchronized(to){ from.withdraw(amount); to.deposit(amount); } } } } 


  synchronized(from){ from.withdraw(amount); } synchronized(to){ to.deposit(amount); } 

对帐户进行排序。 死锁来自账户的排序(a,b vs b,a)。


  public static void transfer(Account from, Account to, double amount){ Account first = from; Account second = to; if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) { // Swap them first = to; second = from; } synchronized(first){ synchronized(second){ from.withdraw(amount); to.deposit(amount); } } } 

这是一个经典问题。 我看到两种可能的解决方案

  1. 对帐户进行排序并在ID低于另一个帐户的帐户进行同步。 这个方法在第10章“并发Java并发实践”一书中提到过。在本书中,作者使用系统哈希码来区分帐户。 请参阅java.lang.System#identityHashCode 。
  2. 您提到了第二个解决方案 – 是的,您可以避免嵌套的同步块,并且您的代码不会导致死锁。 但在这种情况下,处理可能会有一些问题,因为如果您从第一个帐户提取资金,第二个帐户可能会被锁定任何重要时间,可能您需要将钱存回第一个帐户。 这并不好,因为嵌套同步和两个帐户的锁定是更好和更常用的解决方案。


  class Account{ double balance; int id; private static final Object lock = new Object(); .... public static void transfer(Account from, Account to, double amount){ synchronized(lock) { from.withdraw(amount); to.deposit(amount); } } 



 private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public static void transfer(Account from, Account to, double amount) { while(true) { if(from.lock.tryLock()){ try { if (to.lock.tryLock()){ try{ from.withdraw(amount); to.deposit(amount); break; } finally { to.lock.unlock(); } } } finally { from.lock.unlock(); } int n = number.nextInt(1000); int TIME = 1000 + n; // 1 second + random delay to prevent livelock Thread.sleep(TIME); } } 

在这种方法中不会发生死锁,因为这些锁永远不会被无限期地保留。 如果获取了当前对象的锁定但第二个锁定不可用,则释放第一个锁定,并且线程在尝试重新获取锁定之前会hibernate一段指定的时间。

您还可以为每个帐户创建单独的锁(在Account类中),然后在执行事务之前获取两个锁。 看一看:

 private boolean acquireLocks(Account anotherAccount) { boolean fromAccountLock = false; boolean toAccountLock = false; try { fromAccountLock = getLock().tryLock(); toAccountLock = anotherAccount.getLock().tryLock(); } finally { if (!(fromAccountLock && toAccountLock)) { if (fromAccountLock) { getLock().unlock(); } if (toAccountLock) { anotherAccount.getLock().unlock(); } } } return fromAccountLock && toAccountLock; } 


  public static void transfer(Acc from, Acc to, double amount) { if (from.acquireLocks(to)) { try { from.withdraw(amount); to.deposit(amount); } finally { from.getLock().unlock(); to.getLock().unlock(); } } else { System.out.println(threadName + " cant get Lock, try again!"); // sleep here for random amount of time and try do it again transfer(from, to, amount); } } 


 import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class FixDeadLock1 { private class Account { private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") double balance; @SuppressWarnings("unused") int id; public Account(int id, double balance) { this.balance = balance; this.id = id; } void withdraw(double amount) { this.balance -= amount; } void deposit(double amount) { balance += amount; } } private class Transfer { void transfer(Account fromAccount, Account toAccount, double amount) { /* * synchronized (fromAccount) { synchronized (toAccount) { * fromAccount.withdraw(amount); toAccount.deposit(amount); } } */ if (impendingTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount)) { try { System.out.format("Transaction Begins from:%d to:%d\n", fromAccount.id, toAccount.id); fromAccount.withdraw(amount); toAccount.deposit(amount); } finally { fromAccount.lock.unlock(); toAccount.lock.unlock(); } } else { System.out.println("Unable to begin transaction"); } } boolean impendingTransaction(Account fromAccount, Account toAccount) { Boolean fromAccountLock = false; Boolean toAccountLock = false; try { fromAccountLock = fromAccount.lock.tryLock(); toAccountLock = toAccount.lock.tryLock(); } finally { if (!(fromAccountLock && toAccountLock)) { if (fromAccountLock) { fromAccount.lock.unlock(); } if (toAccountLock) { toAccount.lock.unlock(); } } } return fromAccountLock && toAccountLock; } } private class WrapperTransfer implements Runnable { private Account fromAccount; private Account toAccount; private double amount; public WrapperTransfer(Account fromAccount,Account toAccount,double amount){ this.fromAccount = fromAccount; this.toAccount = toAccount; this.amount = amount; } public void run(){ Random random = new Random(); try { int n = random.nextInt(1000); int TIME = 1000 + n; // 1 second + random delay to prevent livelock Thread.sleep(TIME); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} new Transfer().transfer(fromAccount, toAccount, amount); } } public void initiateDeadLockTransfer() { Account from = new Account(1, 1000); Account to = new Account(2, 300); new Thread(new WrapperTransfer(from,to,200)).start(); new Thread(new WrapperTransfer(to,from,300)).start(); } public static void main(String[] args) { new FixDeadLock1().initiateDeadLockTransfer(); } } 


  1. 始终按指定的金额减少一个帐户的内容。
  2. 始终按指定金额增加其他帐户的内容。
  3. 如果其中一个成功,另一个也必须成功。

您可以使用Atomics实现1.和2.但是由于没有AtomicDouble ,您将不得不使用其他double AtomicDoubleAtomicLong可能是你最好的选择。

所以你留下了你的第三个要求 – 如果一个成功,另一个必须成功。 有一种简单的技术可以很好地处理primefaces,并使用getAndAdd方法。

 class Account { AtomicLong balance = new AtomicLong (); } ... Long oldDebtor = null; Long oldCreditor = null; try { // Increase one. oldDebtor = debtor.balance.getAndAdd(value); // Decrease the other. oldCreditor = creditor.balance.gtAndAdd(-value); } catch (Exception e) { // Most likely (but still incredibly unlikely) InterruptedException but theoretically anything. // Roll back if ( oldDebtor != null ) { debtor.getAndAdd(-value); } if ( oldCreditor != null ) { creditor.getAndAdd(value); } // Re-throw after cleanup. throw (e); }