如何删除类方法中的try / catch重复?

我有RESTeasy服务。 并且已经使用try catch对方法实现了简单的error handling,并且感觉某些东西不是很好。 我注意到我尝试抓住所有方法的重复。 所以我想问一下如何避免重复(减少代码大小) try catch但不丢失function。

 @Path("/rest") @Logged @Produces("application/json") public class CounterRestService { @POST @Path("/create") public CounterResponce create(@QueryParam("name") String name) { try { CounterService.getInstance().put(name); return new CounterResponce(); } catch (Exception e){ return new CounterResponce("error", e.getMessage()); } } @POST @Path("/insert") public CounterResponce create(Counter counter) { try { CounterService.getInstance().put(counter); return new CounterResponce(); } catch (Exception e){ return new CounterResponce("error", e.getMessage()); } } @DELETE @Path("/delete") public CounterResponce delete(@QueryParam("name") String name) { try { CounterService.getInstance().remove(name); return new CounterResponce(); } catch (Exception e){ return new CounterResponce("error", e.getMessage()); } } ... // other methods with some try catch pattern 


 public class CounterResponce { private String status; @JsonSerialize(include=Inclusion.NON_NULL) private Object data; public CounterResponce() { this.status = "ok"; } public CounterResponce(Object o) { this.status = "ok"; this.data = o; } public CounterResponce(String status, Object o){ this.status = status; this.data = o; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } public Object getData() { return data; } public void setData(Object data) { this.data = data; } } 


 public class CounterService { private Map counters = new HashMap(); private static CounterService instance = null; protected CounterService() {} public static CounterService getInstance() { if(instance == null) { instance = new CounterService(); } return instance; } public StatisticCounter get(String name){ StatisticCounter c = counters.get(name); if(c == null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counter "+name+" not exist"); return c; } public void put(String name){ if(name==null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("null can`t be as name"); if(counters.get(name)!=null)throw new IllegalArgumentException("Counter "+name+" exist"); counters.put(name, new Counter(name)); }... 

你问题中的评论指向了一个好的方向。 由于答案没有提及,我将在这个答案中总结一般的想法。


JAX-RS允许定义Javaexception到HTTP错误响应的直接映射。 通过扩展WebApplicationException ,您可以创建特定于应用程序的exception,这些exception使用状态代码和可选消息构建HTTP响应,作为响应的主体。


 public class CustomerNotFoundException extends WebApplicationException { /** * Create a HTTP 404 (Not Found) exception. */ public CustomerNotFoundException() { super(Responses.notFound().build()); } /** * Create a HTTP 404 (Not Found) exception. * @param message the String that is the entity of the 404 response. */ public CustomerNotFoundException(String message) { super(Response.status(Responses.NOT_FOUND). entity(message).type("text/plain").build()); } } 

WebApplicationException是一个RuntimeException ,不需要包装在trycatch块中,也不需要在throws子句中声明:

 @Path("customers/{customerId}") public Customer findCustomer(@PathParam("customerId") Long customerId) { Customer customer = customerService.find(customerId); if (customer == null) { throw new CustomerNotFoundException("Customer not found with ID " + customerId); } return customer; } 



对于这种情况,可以使用自定义exception映射提供程序。 提供程序必须实现ExceptionMapper接口。 例如,以下将JAP EntityNotFoundException映射到HTTP 404响应:

 @Provider public class EntityNotFoundExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper { @Override public Response toResponse(EntityNotFoundException ex) { return Response.status(404).entity(ex.getMessage()).type("text/plain").build(); } } 


@Provider注释声明该类是JAX-RS运行时感兴趣的。 可以将此类添加到已配置的Application实例的类集中。

  1. 引入一个私有方法,例如“apply”,如果使用Java 8,它可以将函数作为参数。此方法将集中处理error handling和/或映射,响应映射和响应生成代码。
  2. 从create和delete方法中,调用此apply方法并将您希望作为lambda表达式执行的所需计数器操作传递给它。