
我正在制作一个游戏客户端/服务器,我正在新的线程更新客户端GUI上的一些信息(使用Swing)。 我正在尝试使用SwingUtilities但它不起作用。 另外,我听说SwingUtilities每次使用它时都会创建一个新线程,所以我也在寻找一种新方法(我有10个左右的JTextFields需要更新)。 有没有办法在不使用SwingUtilities的情况下完成? 这就是我现在所拥有的。

SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { Client.status.setText("status = "+status); } }); 

我不知道你从哪里听说过“ SwingUtilities创造了一个新线程 ”,但我认为你已经误解或被错误地告知了。 SwingUtilities.invokeLaterRunnable放在Event Dispatcher队列的末尾。 然后队列在它自己的线程上下文(及时)内处理此事件,调用Run ,没有为此进程创建“新”线程。


您可能需要在字段父容器上调用validate() (可能还有repaint() )以鼓励它更新;)


有趣的是,就在最近我遇到了类似的问题,所以为了克服这个问题,我使用了SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(Runnable runnable) ,这就是我创建的SSCCE按预期工作的原因,但是如果我将所有调用都改为invokeAndWait()使用invokeLater() ,可以清楚地看到这两件事之间的区别。

Java Doc的一句话说:

 Causes doRun.run() to be executed synchronously on the AWT event dispatching thread. This call blocks until all pending AWT events have been processed and (then) doRun.run() returns. This method should be used when an application thread needs to update the GUI. 


 import javax.swing.*; public class BubbleSortFrame extends JFrame { private BubbleSortView contentPane; private void displayGUI() { setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); contentPane = new BubbleSortView(); setContentPane(contentPane); pack(); setLocationByPlatform(true); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String... args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new BubbleSortFrame().displayGUI(); } }); } } 

 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import javax.swing.*; public class BubbleSortView extends JPanel { private JLabel sizeLabel; private JTextField sizeField; private JTextField[] vField; private JLabel[] vLabel; private JButton startButton, createButton; private int size; private JPanel createPanel, animationPanel; private BubbleSort bubbleSort; public BubbleSortView() { size = 5; displayAndCreateGUI(); } private void displayAndCreateGUI() { setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5)); setOpaque(true); setBackground(Color.WHITE); JPanel basePanel = new JPanel(); basePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 5, 5)); basePanel.setOpaque(true); basePanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.setOpaque(true); topPanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); topPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Input : ")); topPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1, 5, 5)); /* * This will act as the area * for taking the input for * number of elements in an Array. */ JPanel sizePanel = new JPanel(); sizePanel.setOpaque(true); sizePanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); sizeLabel = new JLabel("Enter Number of Elements : "); sizeField = new JTextField(10); createButton = new JButton("CREATE"); /* * This will act as the area * where we will specify the values * for each index in an Array. */ createPanel = new JPanel(); createPanel.setOpaque(true); createPanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); createPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Please Enter values for an Array : ")); createPanel.setVisible(false); animationPanel = new JPanel(); animationPanel.setOpaque(true); animationPanel.setBackground(Color.WHITE); animationPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Animation : ")); animationPanel.setVisible(false); createButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if (sizeField.getDocument().getLength() > 0) { size = Integer.parseInt(sizeField.getText()); vField = new JTextField[size]; createPanel.setVisible(true); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { vField[i] = new JTextField(5); /* * Adding the Listener to the * last JTextField on the Right * Side. */ if (i == (size - 1)) { vField[i].addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { animationPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(1, size, 2, 2)); animationPanel.setVisible(true); vLabel = new JLabel[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { vLabel[i] = new JLabel( vField[i].getText(), JLabel.CENTER); vLabel[i].setOpaque(true); vLabel[i].setBackground(Color.YELLOW); vLabel[i].setForeground(Color.RED); animationPanel.add(vLabel[i]); } animationPanel.revalidate(); animationPanel.repaint(); bubbleSort = new BubbleSort(vLabel, size); Thread t = new Thread(bubbleSort); t.start(); } }); } createPanel.add(vField[i]); } createPanel.revalidate(); createPanel.repaint(); createButton.setEnabled(false); } else size = 5; } }); sizePanel.add(sizeLabel); sizePanel.add(sizeField); sizePanel.add(createButton); /* * Initializing JTextField Array * so that it can be first presented * to the USER to take input for * 5 values. */ //for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) // vField[i] = new JTextField(5); topPanel.add(sizePanel); topPanel.add(createPanel); basePanel.add(topPanel); basePanel.add(animationPanel); add(basePanel); } private class BubbleSort implements Runnable { private int[] arr; private JLabel[] vLabel; private int size; private int pass; public BubbleSort(JLabel[] label, int size) { vLabel = label; this.size = size; pass = 1; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) System.out.print("" + vLabel[i].getText() + "\t"); System.out.println(""); } @Override public void run() { try { bubbleSorting(); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { ite.printStackTrace(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } } private void bubbleSorting() throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException { while (pass < size) { for (int i = 0; i < (size - pass); i++) { final int j = i; SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { vLabel[j].setBackground(Color.RED); vLabel[j].setForeground(Color.WHITE); vLabel[j + 1].setBackground(Color.RED); vLabel[j + 1].setForeground(Color.WHITE); } }); try { Thread.sleep(1500); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { ie.printStackTrace(); } int left = Integer.parseInt(vLabel[i].getText()); int right = Integer.parseInt(vLabel[i + 1].getText()); if (left > right) { String temp = vLabel[i].getText(); vLabel[i].setText(vLabel[i + 1].getText()); vLabel[i + 1].setText(temp); } SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { vLabel[j].setBackground(Color.YELLOW); vLabel[j].setForeground(Color.RED); vLabel[j + 1].setBackground(Color.YELLOW); vLabel[j + 1].setForeground(Color.RED); } }); } System.out.println("Pass : " + pass + "\tSize : " + size); SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { vLabel[size - pass].setBackground(Color.GREEN); vLabel[size - pass].setForeground(Color.BLUE); } }); pass++; } SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { vLabel[0].setBackground(Color.GREEN); vLabel[0].setForeground(Color.BLUE); } }); } } }