
假设我有3个列表:[‘q’,’w’],[‘a’,’s’],[‘z’,’x’]。 如何从这些列表中获取可能的组合列表? 所以我得到一个列表[[‘q’,’a’,’z’],[‘q’,’s’,’z’]]等等。 我为两个方法制作了一个方法,但是无法为N个列表找到一个方法:

static  ArrayList combine(ArrayList one,ArrayList two) { ArrayList<ArrayList> combs=new ArrayList<ArrayList>(); for(E e:one) { for(E e2:two) { ArrayList ps=new ArrayList(); ps.add(e); ps.add(e2); combs.add(ps); } } return combs; } 




 static  ArrayList combine(ArrayList soFar, ArrayList... lists) { // Rather than constantly making and remaking this list could just use one // and pass it around and add stuff to it. This works though. ArrayList> combs=new ArrayList>(); // Loop through the first list looking for elements for(E e:lists[0]) { // Create a new List to build this combination ArrayList temp = new ArrayList<>(soFar); // Add this element to the combination temp.add(e); // If there are more lists recurse down if (lists.length > 1) { // Use recursion to add all combinations of the remaining lists combs.addAll(combine(temp, lists.subList(1))); } else { // There are no more lists so we are done, add temp to the combos combs.add(temp); } } return combs; } // Call this method to start things going, the other one should probably be private static  ArrayList combine(ArrayList... lists) return combine(new ArrayList(), lists); } 


 Set> result = Sets.cartesianProduct( ImmutableSet.of("q", "w"), ImmutableSet.of("a", "s"), ImmutableSet.of("z", "x") ); System.out.println(result); 


[ [q, a, z], [q, a, x], [q, s, z], [q, s, x], [w, a, z], [w, a, x], [w, s, z], [w, s, x] ]



 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; public class Combinations { public static void main(String[] args) { List> lists = new ArrayList>(); lists.add(Arrays.asList('q','w')); lists.add(Arrays.asList('a','s')); lists.add(Arrays.asList('z','x')); MixedRangeCombinationIterable iterable = new MixedRangeCombinationIterable(lists); for (List element : iterable) { System.out.println(element); } } } 

