

编辑 :我会做一些不基于GUI的东西,并在后台运行并提供某种报告。 我从很多环境收集了很多日志,只是想快速浏览一下。

这是一个快速而又脏的grep表达式…如果你使用log4j等记录器而不是exception的第一行通常包含WARNERROR ,则下一行将包含Exception名称和可选的消息,然后后续堆栈跟踪将从以下之一开始:

  1. "\tat" (tab + at)
  2. "Caused by: "
  3. "\t... more" (这些是指示堆栈中未显示在“由…引起”exception中的帧数的行)
  4. 堆栈前的exception名称(也许是消息)


grep -P "(WARN|ERROR|^\tat |Exception|^Caused by: |\t... \d+ more)"

它假设一个Exception类总是包含单词Exception ,它可能是也可能不是,但毕竟这是快速而又脏的。


你可以很容易地自己写这个。 这是模式:

  1. 打开文件
  2. 搜索字符串"\n\tat " (这是新行,tab, at ,blank)这是堆栈跟踪之外的一个非常罕见的字符串。

现在您需要做的就是找到第一行不以\t开头的行来查找堆栈跟踪的结尾。 您可能希望在此之后跳过1-3行来捕获链式exception。


我用Python编写了一个工具。 它设法分割两个堆栈跟踪,即使它们在日志中正好相继。

 #!/usr/bin/env python # # Extracts exceptions from log files. # import sys import re from collections import defaultdict REGEX = re.compile("(^\tat |^Caused by: |^\t... \\d+ more)") # Usually, all inner lines of a stack trace will be "at" or "Caused by" lines. # With one exception: the line following a "nested exception is" line does not # follow that convention. Due to that, this line is handled separately. CONT = re.compile("; nested exception is: *$") exceptions = defaultdict(int) def registerException(exc): exceptions[exc] += 1 def processFile(fileName): with open(fileName, "r") as fh: currentMatch = None lastLine = None addNextLine = False for line in fh.readlines(): if addNextLine and currentMatch != None: addNextLine = False currentMatch += line continue match = REGEX.search(line) != None if match and currentMatch != None: currentMatch += line elif match: currentMatch = lastLine + line else: if currentMatch != None: registerException(currentMatch) currentMatch = None lastLine = line addNextLine = CONT.search(line) != None # If last line in file was a stack trace if currentMatch != None: registerException(currentMatch) for f in sys.argv[1:]: processFile(f) for item in sorted(exceptions.items(), key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True): print item[1], ":", item[0] 

我提出了以下Groovy脚本。 当然,它根据我的需求进行了很大调整,但我希望它可以帮到某些人。

 def traceMap = [:] // Number of lines to keep in buffer def BUFFER_SIZE = 100 // Pattern for stack trace line def TRACE_LINE_PATTERN = '^[\\s\\t]+at .*$' // Log line pattern between which we try to capture full trace def LOG_LINE_PATTERN = '^([<#][^/]|\\d\\d).*$' // List of patterns to replace in final captured stack trace line // (eg replace date and transaction information that may make similar traces to look as different) def REPLACE_PATTERNS = [ '^\\d+-\\d+\\@.*?tksId: [^\\]]+\\]', '^<\\w+ \\d+, \\d+ [^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <', '^####<[^>]+?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <[^>]*?> <', '<([\\w:]+)?TransaktionsID>[^<]+?', '<([\\w:]+)?TransaktionsTid>[^<]+?' ] new File('.').eachFile { File file -> if (file.name.contains('.log') || file.name.contains('.out')) { def bufferLines = [] file.withReader { Reader reader -> while (reader.ready()) { def String line = reader.readLine() if (line.matches(TRACE_LINE_PATTERN)) { def trace = [] for(def i = bufferLines.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!bufferLines[i].matches(LOG_LINE_PATTERN)) { trace.add(0, bufferLines[i]) } else { trace.add(0, bufferLines[i]) break } } trace.add(line) if (reader.ready()) { line = reader.readLine() while (!line.matches(LOG_LINE_PATTERN)) { trace.add(line) if (reader.ready()) { line = reader.readLine() } else { break; } } } def traceString = trace.join("\n") REPLACE_PATTERNS.each { pattern -> traceString = traceString.replaceAll(pattern, '') } if (traceMap.containsKey(traceString)) { traceMap.put(traceString, traceMap.get(traceString) + 1) } else { traceMap.put(traceString, 1) } } // Keep the buffer of last lines. bufferLines.add(line) if (bufferLines.size() > BUFFER_SIZE) { bufferLines.remove(0) } } } } } traceMap = traceMap.sort { it.value } traceMap.reverseEach { trace, number -> println "-- Occured $number times -----------------------------------------" println trace } 

这里有很好的代码 – http://www.techiedelight.com/java-program-search-exceptions-huge-log-file-on-server/

它基本上逐行读取日志文件,并在每一行中搜索关键字“Exception”。 找到后,它将在单独的输出文件中打印下10行(exception跟踪)。

我用Baretail 。