


int combinations = 0; string pass = "!!!AAabas1"; if (pass.matches("[0-9]")) { combinations = combinations + 10; } if (pass.matches("[az]")) { combinations =combinations + 26; } if (pass.matches("[AZ]")) { combinations =combinations + 26; } 




  int combinations = 0; String pass = "!!AAabas1"; if (Pattern.compile("[0-9]").matcher(pass).find()) { combinations = combinations + 10; } if (Pattern.compile("[az]").matcher(pass).find()) { combinations = combinations + 26; } if (Pattern.compile("[AZ]").matcher(pass).find()) { combinations = combinations + 26; } 

这是我的尝试。 注意,这使用unicode类别进行validation,因此非拉丁语言友好。

 import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PasswordValidator { public static void main(String[] args) { final PasswordValidator passwordValidator = new PasswordValidator(); for (String password : new String[] { "abc", "abc123", "ABC123", "abc123ABC", "!!!AAabas1", "гшщз", "гшщзЧСМИ22" }) { System.out.printf("Password '%s' is %s%n", password, passwordValidator.isValidPassword(password) ? "ok" : "INVALID"); } } private static final Pattern LOWER_CASE = Pattern.compile("\\p{Lu}"); private static final Pattern UPPER_CASE = Pattern.compile("\\p{Ll}"); private static final Pattern DECIMAL_DIGIT = Pattern.compile("\\p{Nd}"); /** * Determine if a password is valid. * * 

* A password is considered valid if it contains: *

  • At least one lower-case letter
  • *
  • At least one upper-case letter
  • *
  • At least one digit
  • *

* * @param password * password to validate * @return True if the password is considered valid, otherwise false */ public boolean isValidPassword(final String password) { return containsDigit(password) && containsLowerCase(password) && containsUpperCase(password); } private boolean containsDigit(final String str) { return DECIMAL_DIGIT.matcher(str).find(); } private boolean containsUpperCase(final String str) { return UPPER_CASE.matcher(str).find(); } private boolean containsLowerCase(final String str) { return LOWER_CASE.matcher(str).find(); } }


 Password 'abc' is INVALID Password 'abc123' is INVALID Password 'ABC123' is INVALID Password 'abc123ABC' is ok Password '!!!AAabas1' is ok Password 'гшщз' is INVALID Password 'гшщзЧСМИ22' is ok 


相反,尝试创建一个Pattern ,然后从那里创建一个Matcher ,然后使用find方法。



 if (CharMatcher.inRange('0', '9').matchesAnyOf(pass)) combinations += 10; if (CharMatcher.inRange('a', 'z').matchesAnyOf(pass)) combinations += 26; if (CharMatcher.inRange('A', 'Z').matchesAnyOf(pass)) combinations += 26; 
 String str_rno = "CooL8"; boolean Flag = false; String[] parts = str_rno.split(""); for (int i = 0; i < str_rno.length(); i++) { String part1 = parts[i + 1]; if (Character.isDigit(str_rno.charAt(i))) { System.out.println(" " + i + " " + part1 + " digit"); Flag = true; } else { System.out.println(" " + i + " " + part1 + " char "); } } if(Flag==true){ Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"String contain 1 digit",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } if(Flag==flase){ Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"String not contain 1 digit",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); }