

showLoadingWidget(); service.getShapes(dbName, new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Shape[] result) { hideLoadingWidget(); // more here... } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { hideLoadingWidget(); //more here } }); 


 // this should be gone: showLoadingWidget(); service.getShapes(dbName, new AsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess(Shape[] result) { // this should be gone: hideLoadingWidget(); // more here... } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { //this should be gone: hideLoadingWidget(); //more here } }); 

总之,我想改变异步调用的行为。 感谢您提出所有可能的建议。


您可以将调用本身包装在处理显示加载消息的对象中,可能会在错误或其他情况下重试几次。 像这样的东西:

 public abstract class AsyncCall implements AsyncCallback { /** Call the service method using cb as the callback. */ protected abstract void callService(AsyncCallback cb); public void go(int retryCount) { showLoadingMessage(); execute(retryCount); } private void execute(final int retriesLeft) { callService(new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable t) { GWT.log(t.toString(), t); if (retriesLeft <= 0) { hideLoadingMessage(); AsyncCall.this.onFailure(t); } else { execute(retriesLeft - 1); } } public void onSuccess(T result) { hideLoadingMessage(); AsyncCall.this.onSuccess(result); } }); } public void onFailure(Throwable t) { // standard error handling } ... } 


 new AsyncCall() { protected void callService(AsyncCallback cb) { DemoService.App.get().someService("bla", cb); } public void onSuccess(DTO result) { // do something with result } }.go(3); // 3 retries 


以下AsyncCall是我目前正在使用的(受David Tinker解决方案的启发)。 而不是重试,这需要一些RPC调用需要很长时间才能返回,并且如果在指定的超时之前没有返回调用,则显示加载指示符。

AsyncCall还会跟踪当前正在进行的RPC调用的数量,并且只有在返回所有RPC调用时才隐藏加载指示符。 使用David的解决方案,加载指示器可能会被早期的RPC调用隐藏,即使另一个仍在进行中。 这个if课程假设加载指示器小部件是应用程序的全局,这在我的情况下。

 public abstract class AsyncCall { private static final int LOADING_TOLERANCE_MS = 100; private static int loadingIndicatorCount = 0; private Timer timer; private boolean incremented; private boolean displayFailure; public AsyncCall(boolean displayFailure) { this.displayFailure = displayFailure; timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { if (loadingIndicator++ == 0) // show global loading widget here incremented = true; } }; timer.schedule(LOADING_TOLERANCE_MS); call(new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(T result) { timer.cancel(); if (incremented && --loadingIndicatorCount == 0) // hide global loading widget here callback(result); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { timer.cancel(); if (incremented && --loadingIndicatorCount == 0) // hide global loading widget here if (AsyncCall.this.displayFailure) // show error to user here } }); protected abstract void call(AsyncCallback cb); protected void callback(T result) { // might just be a void result or a result we // wish to ignore, so do not force implementation // by declaring as abstract } } 


 public abstract class AsyncCall implements AsyncCallback { public AsyncCall() { loadingMessage.show(); } public final void onFailure(Throwable caught) { loadingMessage.hide(); onCustomFailure(caught); } public final void onSuccess(T result) { hideLoadingMessage(); onCustomSuccess(result); } /** the failure method needed to be overwritte */ protected abstract void onCustomFailure(Throwable caught); /** overwritte to do something with result */ protected abstract void onCustomSuccess(T result); } 



 public final void onFailure(Throwable caught) { loadingMessage.hide(); onFailure0(caught); } protected abstract void onFailure0(Throwable caught); 


 public abstract class LoadingAsyncCallback implements AsyncCallback { /** * Override this method and call the async service method providing the arguments needed. * @param args */ public abstract void callService(Object... args); /** * Call execute() to actually run the code in overriden method callService() * @param args: arguments needed for callService() method */ public void execute(Object... args) { //your code here to show the loading widget callService(args); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { //your code here to hide the loading widget onCallbackFailure(caught); } @Override public void onSuccess(T result) { //your code here to hide the loading widget onCallbackSuccess(result); } public abstract void onCallbackFailure(Throwable caught); public abstract void onCallbackSuccess(T result); } 


 MyServiceAsync myServiceAsync = GWT.create(MyService.class); LoadingAsyncCallback loadingAsyncCallback = new LoadingAsyncCallback() { @Override public void callService(Object... args) { myServiceAsync.someMethod((String) args[0], (String) args[1], this); } @Override public void onCallbackFailure(Throwable caught) { } @Override public void onCallbackSuccess(Object result) { } }; String name = "foo"; String login = "bar"; loadingAsyncCallback.execute(name, login ); 

如果有人在RPC调用期间寻找将屏幕元素 (小部件/组件) 标记 为忙的方法 ,我实现了一个小实用程序 。

它禁用组件并插入具有特定样式的“div”。 当然,这一切都可以解除。


 @sprite .busySpinner { gwt-image: "spinnerGif"; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 10000; /* Something really high */ } 


 /** * Disables the given component and places spinner gif over top. */ public static void markBusy(final Component c) { c.disable(); ensureNotBusy(c); // NOTE: Don't add style to the component as we don't want 'spinner' to be disabled. c.getElement().insertFirst("
"); } /** * Enables the given component and removes the spinner (if any). */ public static void clearBusy(Component c) { c.enable(); if (!ensureNotBusy(c)) { GWT.log("No busy spinner to remove"); } } private static boolean ensureNotBusy(Component c) { Element first = c.getElement().getFirstChildElement(); if (first != null && first.removeClassName(STYLE.busySpinner())) { first.removeFromParent(); return true; } return false; }