
我试图将一些文件添加到ZIP文件,它创建文件但不添加任何内容。 代码1:

String fulldate = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + "-" + min; File dateFolder = new File("F:\\" + compname + "\\" + fulldate); dateFolder.mkdir(); String zipName = "F:\\" + compname + "\\" + fulldate + "\\" + fulldate + ".zip"; zipFolder(tobackup, zipName); 


 public static void zipFolder(File folder, String name) throws Exception { byte[] buffer = new byte[18024]; ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(name)); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(folder); out.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(name)); int len; while((len = in.read(buffer)) > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, len); } out.closeEntry(); in.close(); out.close(); } 


你不能压缩文件夹,只能压缩文件。 要压缩文件夹,您必须手动添加所有子文件。 我写了这个完成这项工作的课程。 你可以免费获得它:)


 List sources = new ArrayList(); sources.add(tobackup); Packager.packZip(new File(zipName), sources); 


 import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipOutputStream; public class Packager { public static void packZip(File output, List sources) throws IOException { System.out.println("Packaging to " + output.getName()); ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(output)); zipOut.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); for (File source : sources) { if (source.isDirectory()) { zipDir(zipOut, "", source); } else { zipFile(zipOut, "", source); } } zipOut.flush(); zipOut.close(); System.out.println("Done"); } private static String buildPath(String path, String file) { if (path == null || path.isEmpty()) { return file; } else { return path + "/" + file; } } private static void zipDir(ZipOutputStream zos, String path, File dir) throws IOException { if (!dir.canRead()) { System.out.println("Cannot read " + dir.getCanonicalPath() + " (maybe because of permissions)"); return; } File[] files = dir.listFiles(); path = buildPath(path, dir.getName()); System.out.println("Adding Directory " + path); for (File source : files) { if (source.isDirectory()) { zipDir(zos, path, source); } else { zipFile(zos, path, source); } } System.out.println("Leaving Directory " + path); } private static void zipFile(ZipOutputStream zos, String path, File file) throws IOException { if (!file.canRead()) { System.out.println("Cannot read " + file.getCanonicalPath() + " (maybe because of permissions)"); return; } System.out.println("Compressing " + file.getName()); zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(buildPath(path, file.getName()))); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buffer = new byte[4092]; int byteCount = 0; while ((byteCount = fis.read(buffer)) != -1) { zos.write(buffer, 0, byteCount); System.out.print('.'); System.out.flush(); } System.out.println(); fis.close(); zos.closeEntry(); } } 


编辑 :要检查程序是否仍然忙,您可以添加我标有的三行(*)

编辑2 :尝试新代码。 在我的平台上,它运行正常(OS X)。 我不确定但是,AppData中的Windows文件可能存在一些有限的读取权限。

另请参见ZeroTurnaround的Zip库 。 它具有(引用)等function:

  • 递归打包和解压缩目录
  • 迭代ZIP条目