
原谅可能简单的问题(以及可怕的布局方法)。 我已成功将输入数据写入txt文件并单击“提交”的代码关闭输入窗口,打开“菜单”,添加用户(此代码)或搜索属性(不相关)的选项。 我可以毫无问题地将一组详细信息输入到txt文件中,但是当重新打开AddUser窗口时,无论输入什么内容,都会将相同的数据输入到文件中,除非程序已关闭。 我认为它与在重新打开窗口之前清除一些变量有关(如尝试到底部)但是我没有运气..我该怎么办呢? 谢谢

AddUser.java package assignment; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; public class AddUser extends JFrame { //Declare the array values private String[] Name; private String[] Username; private String[] Password; private String[] StaffID; public String inputStaff; public String inputUser; public String inputPass; public String inputID; static public String inputData; //Declare Text Fields public JTextField Field1; public JTextField Field2; public JTextField Field3; public JTextField Field4; public JTextField Field5; //Declare Labels private JLabel Label; private JLabel Label1; private JLabel Label2; private JLabel Label3; private JLabel Label4; private JLabel Label5; private JLabel Space1; private JLabel Space2; public AddUser() { super("Add New Agent"); //Window Title setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); //Set Layout Type as FlowLayout Label = new JLabel("Enter the Member of Staff's Details"); Label1 = new JLabel("Staff Name"); //Label Values Label2 = new JLabel("Username"); Label3 = new JLabel("Password"); Label4 = new JLabel("Confirm Password"); Label5 = new JLabel("Staff ID"); Space1 = new JLabel(" "); Space2 = new JLabel(" "); Field1 = new JTextField (10); //Create the Text Fields and Option Blocks & Arguments Field2 = new JTextField (10); Field3 = new JTextField (10); Field4 = new JTextField (10); Field5 = new JTextField (4); //Add the labels, textfields and option blocks to the JFrame add (Label); add(Space1); add (Label1); add (Field1); add (Label2); add (Field2); add (Label3); add (Field3); add (Label4); add (Field4); add (Label5); add (Field5); add (Space2); JButton button1 = new JButton("Submit"); //Add "Search" button to JFrame add (button1); onClick handler = new onClick(); button1.addActionListener(handler); } private class onClick implements ActionListener{ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){ //Action to be performed //Attempt to clear the fields inputStaff = (""); inputUser = (""); inputPass = (""); inputID = (""); inputStaff = Field1.getText(); inputUser = Field2.getText(); inputPass = Field3.getText(); inputID = Field5.getText(); inputData = inputStaff + " " + inputUser + " " + inputPass + " " + inputID; WriteFile Write = new WriteFile(); //Create instance of write-to-file setVisible(false); //Close the window on clicking submit } } } 


 package assignment; import java.io.*; public class WriteFile{ static String data = AddUser.inputData; BufferedWriter out; public WriteFile(){ try { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("AddUser.txt", true)); out.write(data); out.newLine(); out.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("There was a problem:" + e); } } } 


 public static void WriteFile(String data){ try { out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("AddUser.txt", true)); out.write(data); out.newLine(); out.close(); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("There was a problem:" + e); } } 




不要以这种方式访问​​类的字段SomeClass.someField ,并尝试在不需要时避免使用静态成员。


 static String data = AddUser.inputData; 

加载类时只运行一次。 所有静态变量都是这种情况。 (您似乎正在考虑“数据流编程”或电子表格,但Java不能像那样工作。或者您可能认为String对象是可更新的,但它们不是 – 它们是不可变的。)

这是在类之间实现数据传递的一种可怕方法,正如您所看到的,它不起作用。 如果由于某种原因,该类恰好比它更早加载,它甚至不会工作一次。