如何将输出文件名从reducer中的part-00000更改为inputfile name

目前,我能够在mapper中实现从part-00000到自定义fileName的名称更改。 我是通过使用inputSplit做到这inputSplit 。 我在reducer中尝试重命名文件但是,fileSplit方法不适用于reducer。 那么,有没有一种最好的方法来将reducer的输出重命名为inputfile name。 以下是我在mapper中实现它的方法。

 @Override public void setup(Context con) throws IOException, InterruptedException { fileName = ((FileSplit) con.getInputSplit()).getPath().getName(); fileName = fileName.substring(0,36); outputName = new Text(fileName); final Path baseOutputPath = FileOutputFormat.getOutputPath(con); final Path outputFilePath = new Path(baseOutputPath, fileName); TextOutputFormat write = new TextOutputFormat() { @Override public Path getDefaultWorkFile(TaskAttemptContext context, String extension) throws IOException { return outputFilePath; 

这就是hadoop wiki所说的:

 You can subclass the OutputFormat.java class and write your own. You can locate and browse the code of TextOutputFormat, MultipleOutputFormat.java, etc. for reference. It might be the case that you only need to do minor changes to any of the existing Output Format classes. To do that you can just subclass that class and override the methods you need to change. 
