计算数组内元素的出现次数? (JAVA)

我一直在努力试图找出这个算法大约6个小时,但似乎无法提出解决方案。 我试图计算数组中元素的出现次数,可能还有两个单独的数组。 一个用于唯一实例,一个用于这些实例发生的次数。 我在这里发现了一些关于数组列表和hashMaps的想法,但我只能使用数组。


{cats, cats, cats, dog, dog, fish} 


 {cats, dog, fish} 


 {3, 2, 1} 


 public void findArrs( String[] words ) { int counter = 1; for(int i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++){ if(!(words[i].equals(words[i+1]))){ counter++; } } String[] unique = new String[counter]; int[] times = new int[counter]; for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++){ } } 


这就是如何仅使用数组来完成的。 棘手的部分是你必须知道创建数组之前的项目数。 所以我不得不创建自己的函数来创建一个更大的数组。 实际上是两个,一个用于计数,一个用于唯一值。

如果你可以使用矢量,你会更好。 这是没有vet​​ors:

 public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String []args){ String[] initalArray; // allocates memory for 10 integers initalArray = new String[6]; initalArray[0] = "cats"; initalArray[1] = "cats"; initalArray[2] = "cats"; initalArray[3] = "dog"; initalArray[4] = "dog"; initalArray[5] = "fish"; String[] uniqueValues = new String[0]; int[] countValues = new int[0]; for(int i = 0; i < initalArray.length; i++) { boolean isNewValue = true; for (int j = 0; j < uniqueValues.length; j++) { if (uniqueValues[j] == initalArray[i]) { isNewValue = false; countValues[j]++; } } if (isNewValue) { // We have a new value! uniqueValues = addToArrayString(uniqueValues, initalArray[i]); countValues = addToArrayInt(countValues, 1); } } System.out.println("Results:"); for(int i = 0; i < countValues.length; i++) { System.out.println(uniqueValues[i] + "=" + countValues[i]); } } public static String[] addToArrayString(String[] initalArray, String newValue) { String[] returnArray = new String[initalArray.length+1]; for(int i = 0; i < initalArray.length; i++) { returnArray[i] = initalArray[i]; } returnArray[returnArray.length-1] = newValue; return returnArray; } public static int[] addToArrayInt(int[] initalArray, int newValue) { int[] returnArray = new int[initalArray.length+1]; for(int i = 0; i < initalArray.length; i++) { returnArray[i] = initalArray[i]; } returnArray[returnArray.length-1] = newValue; return returnArray; } } 


 public class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String []args){ String[] initalArray; // allocates memory for 10 integers initalArray = new String[6]; initalArray[0] = "cats"; initalArray[1] = "cats"; initalArray[2] = "cats"; initalArray[3] = "dog"; initalArray[4] = "dog"; initalArray[5] = "fish"; String[] uniqueValues = new String[0]; int[] countValues = new int[0]; for(int i = 0; i < initalArray.length; i++) { boolean isNewValue = true; if (i > 0) { if (uniqueValues[uniqueValues.length-1] == initalArray[i]) { isNewValue = false; countValues[uniqueValues.length-1]++; } } if (isNewValue) { // We have a new value! uniqueValues = addToArrayString(uniqueValues, initalArray[i]); countValues = addToArrayInt(countValues, 1); } } System.out.println("Results:"); for(int i = 0; i < countValues.length; i++) { System.out.println(uniqueValues[i] + "=" + countValues[i]); } } public static String[] addToArrayString(String[] initalArray, String newValue) { String[] returnArray = new String[initalArray.length+1]; for(int i = 0; i < initalArray.length; i++) { returnArray[i] = initalArray[i]; } returnArray[returnArray.length-1] = newValue; return returnArray; } public static int[] addToArrayInt(int[] initalArray, int newValue) { int[] returnArray = new int[initalArray.length+1]; for(int i = 0; i < initalArray.length; i++) { returnArray[i] = initalArray[i]; } returnArray[returnArray.length-1] = newValue; return returnArray; } } 


注意:修改后的代码可以通过注释找到(对于“添加行”这一行。对于“添加代码从这里开始”到“添加代码在这里结束”之间的块)。 我试着在代码中解释实现。 如果我需要更多地掌握我的文档技能,请通过评论告诉我

 public class someClass(){ private String[] unique; private int[] times; //Added code starts here public String[] getUnique(){ return this.unique; } public int[] getTimes(){ return this.times; } //Added code ends here //Below implementation would work as intended only when words array is sorted public void findArrs( String[] words ) { int counter = 1; for(int i = 0; i < words.length - 1; i++){ if(!(words[i].equals(words[i+1]))){ counter++; } } unique = new String[counter]; times = new int[counter]; //Added line. unique[0] = words[0]; for(int i=0,j=0; i < words.length&&j < counter; i++){ //Added code starts here if(!(unique[j].equals(words[i]))){ j++; //increment count when latest element in unique array is not equal to latest element in words array unique[j] = words[i]; //add newly found unique word from words array to unique array times[j] = 1; //make the count to 1 for first non repeated unique word } else{ times[j]++; //increment the count every time the string repeats } //Added code ends here } } } 


 int numberOfDifferentWords = 1; String firstWord = words[0]; for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { if(!firstWord.equals(words[i])) { numberOfDifferentWords++; } } // These two arrays will contain the results. String[] wordResultArray = new String[numberOfDiffentWords]; int[] countResultArray = new int[numberOfDiffentWords]; // This will mark where we should put the next result int resultArrayIndex = 0; String currentWord = firstWord; int currentWordCount = 0; for(int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { //if we're still on the same word, increment the current word counter if(currentWord.equals(words[i])) { currentWordCount++; } //otherwise, transition to a new word else { wordResultArray[resultArrayIndex] = currentWord; wordCountArray[resultArrayIndex] = currentWordCount; resultArrayIndex++; currentWord = words[i]; currentWordCount = 1; } } 



 public class NumberOfOccurences { public static void main(String[] args) { String[] testArr = {"cats", "cats", "cats", "dog", "dog", "fish"}; String output = countNumberOfChild(testArr); System.out.println(output); } public static String countNumberOfChild(String[] list){ Arrays.sort(list); TreeMap noOfOccurences = new TreeMap(); for(int i=0;i

如果使用ArrayList,这将非常简单。 但是因为你特别需要Arrays,这是我的代码。

 int lth = words.length; // Specify a broad length String[] unique = new String[lth]; int[] times = new int[lth]; int i = 0; int j = 0; int count; while (i < lth) { String w = words[i]; count = 1; while(++i < lth && words[i].equals(w)) ++count; unique[j] = w; times[j++] = count; } // Reduce the length of the arrays unique = Arrays.copyOf(unique, j); times = Arrays.copyOf(times, j); for (i = 0; i < unique.length;++i) System.out.println(unique[i] + " " + times[i]); 

正如您所看到的,真正的问题是在使用它们之前必须指定的数组的长度。 使用ArrayLists,您不必这样做。 此外,由于项目被排序,因此更喜欢使用while循环而不是for循环。 它看起来不错。

String s[] = {"Arranged", "Administered", "Advised", "Administered", "Adapted"}; //存储预定义的单词数量

String k="I have administered and advised him to stay away."; //如果包含这些单词,则要匹配的字符串

String ka[]=k.split("\\s"); //在evry空间出现时拆分字符串,以便提取每个单词




{System.out.println("The occurred words are:" +s[j]);

continue; //继续用于查找是否发生了多个单词





 var myarray = {"cats", "cats", "cats", "dog", "dog", "fish"}; var values = []; var instanceCount = [] for(var i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++){ var value = myarray[i]; var counter = 0; for(var j = 0; j < myarray.length; j++){ if(firstVal == myarray[j]) counter++; } //Build your arrays with the values you asked for values.push(value); instanceCount.push(counter); //Remove All occurences further in the array var idx = myarray.indexOf(value); while (idx != -1) { myarray.splice(idx, 1); idx = array.indexOf(myarray, idx + 1); } } //Handle Result here