


我已成功使用Java套接字,但客户端需要在Jpcap中实现该程序。 我想知道这是否可行以及我应该为这个项目阅读哪些文献。


import java.net.InetAddress; import java.io.*; import jpcap.*; import jpcap.packet.*; public class Router { public static void main(String args[]) { //Obtain the list of network interfaces NetworkInterface[] devices = JpcapCaptor.getDeviceList(); //for each network interface for (int i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) { //print out its name and description System.out.println(i+": "+devices[i].name + "(" + devices[i].description+")"); //print out its datalink name and description System.out.println(" datalink: "+devices[i].datalink_name + "(" + devices[i].datalink_description+")"); //print out its MAC address System.out.print(" MAC address:"); for (byte b : devices[i].mac_address) System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(b&0xff) + ":"); System.out.println(); //print out its IP address, subnet mask and broadcast address for (NetworkInterfaceAddress a : devices[i].addresses) System.out.println(" address:"+a.address + " " + a.subnet + " "+ a.broadcast); } int index = 1; // set index of the interface that you want to open. //Open an interface with openDevice(NetworkInterface intrface, int snaplen, boolean promics, int to_ms) JpcapCaptor captor = null; try { captor = JpcapCaptor.openDevice(devices[index], 65535, false, 20); captor.setFilter("port 80 and host", true); } catch(java.io.IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } //call processPacket() to let Jpcap call PacketPrinter.receivePacket() for every packet capture. captor.loopPacket(-1,new PacketPrinter()); captor.close(); } } class PacketPrinter implements PacketReceiver { //this method is called every time Jpcap captures a packet public void receivePacket(Packet p) { JpcapSender sender = null; try { NetworkInterface[] devices = JpcapCaptor.getDeviceList(); sender = JpcapSender.openDevice(devices[1]); } catch(IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } IPPacket packet = (IPPacket)p; try { // IP Address of machine sending HTTP requests (the client) // It's still on the same LAN as the servers for testing purposes. packet.dst_ip = InetAddress.getByName(""); } catch(java.net.UnknownHostException e) { System.err.println(e); } //create an Ethernet packet (frame) EthernetPacket ether=new EthernetPacket(); //set frame type as IP ether.frametype=EthernetPacket.ETHERTYPE_IP; //set source and destination MAC addresses // MAC Address of machine running reverse proxy server ether.src_mac = new MacAddress("08:00:27:00:9C:80").getAddress(); // MAC Address of machine running web server ether.dst_mac = new MacAddress("08:00:27:C7:D2:4C").getAddress(); //set the datalink frame of the packet as ether packet.datalink=ether; //send the packet sender.sendPacket(packet); sender.close(); //just print out a captured packet System.out.println(packet); } } 

任何帮助将不胜感激。 谢谢。

为什么? 他的理由是什么? 他真的想要为你已经完成的同样的事情支付十倍的费用吗?

您不需要Jpcap来实现HTTP代理。 它可以完全在java.net或java.nio中完成。

我不认为你能做到这一点,至少在Windows机器上是这样。 Jpcap只是Winpcap的包装器,这个底层机制不能丢弃观察到的数据包:


所以,我看不出你如何“在线上”构建反向代理。 你不必做以下事情:

  1. 通过实时拼接数据包并将其从预期主机接收中来观察传入的HTTP请求。

  2. 根据您正在实施的任何代理规则发出备用HTTP请求。

  3. 从您的请求中获取响应并将线路上的数据包推出,从而伪造原始主机的响应?

由于您无法丢弃入站数据包,因此预期的主机是否会尝试处理请求并将自己的数据包抛出到线路上作为响应? 因为我不是网络专家,所以可能还有更多我不知道的事情。 这个问题让我对使用这种“垫片”的可能性感到好奇。