Java:使用nio Files.copy移动目录



File sourceDir = new File(sourceDirStr); //this directory already exists File destDir = new File(destDirectoryStr); //this is a new directory 


 Path destPath = destDir.toPath(); for (int i = 0; i < sourceSize; i++) { Path sourcePath = sourceDir.listFiles()[i].toPath(); Files.copy(sourcePath, destPath.resolve(sourcePath.getFileName())); } 


 Exception in thread "main" java.nio.file.FileSystemException: destDir/Experiment.log: Not a directory 

我知道destDir/Experiment.log不是现有目录; 它应该是Files.copy操作的结果的新文件。 有人可以指出我的操作出错了吗? 谢谢!

您需要使用walkFileTree来复制目录。 如果在目录上使用Files.copy,则只会创建一个空目录。


 File src = new File("c:\\temp\\srctest"); File dest = new File("c:\\temp\\desttest"); Path srcPath = src.toPath(); Path destPath = dest.toPath(); Files.walkFileTree(srcPath, new CopyDirVisitor(srcPath, destPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)); public static class CopyDirVisitor extends SimpleFileVisitor { private final Path fromPath; private final Path toPath; private final CopyOption copyOption; public CopyDirVisitor(Path fromPath, Path toPath, CopyOption copyOption) { this.fromPath = fromPath; this.toPath = toPath; this.copyOption = copyOption; } @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Path targetPath = toPath.resolve(fromPath.relativize(dir)); if( !Files.exists(targetPath) ) { Files.createDirectory(targetPath); } return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.copy(file, toPath.resolve(fromPath.relativize(file)), copyOption); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } } 


 File sourceDir = new File(source); //this directory already exists File destDir = new File(dest); //this is a new directory destDir.mkdirs(); // make sure that the dest directory exists Path destPath = destDir.toPath(); for (File sourceFile : sourceDir.listFiles()) { Path sourcePath = sourceFile.toPath(); Files.copy(sourcePath, destPath.resolve(sourcePath.getFileName())); } 

请注意, sourceDir.listFiles()也将返回您想要递归到的目录,或忽略…

 for (int i = 0; i < sourceSize; i++) { Path sourcePath = sourceDir.listFiles()[i].toPath(); Files.copy(sourcePath, destPath.resolve(sourcePath.getFileName())); } 

这是非常奇怪的代码。 您已经从sourceSize某处获得了文件计数,但是您在每次迭代时都调用了sourceSize listFiles() 。 我原本期望更像这样的东西:

 for (File file : sourceDir.listFiles()) { Path sourcePath = file.toPath(); Files.copy(sourcePath, destPath.resolve(sourcePath.getFileName())); }