

public class Chromosome implements Runnable, Comparable { private String[] chromosome; public double fitness; private Random chromoGen; public Chromosome(double[] candidate) { super(); //encode candidate PER parameter; using Matrix as storage chromosome = encode(candidate); chromoGen = new Random(); } //De-fault public Chromosome() { super(); chromoGen = new Random(); //de-fault genotype chromosome = new String[6]; } /** * IMPLEMENTED */ public void run() { //I hope leaving it empty works... } public int compareTo(Chromosome c) { return (int) (fitness - c.fitness); } /** * Fitness stored in chromosome! */ public void setFitness(ArrayList target) { fitness = FF.fitness(this, target); } public double getFitness() { return fitness; } /** * ENCODERS/DECODERS */ public String[] encode(double[] solution) { //subtract 2^n from solution until you reach 2^-n /** * LENGTH: 51 BITS!! * * 1st BIT IS NEGATIVE/POSITIVE * * THE PRECISION IS [2^30  2^-20]!!! * * RANGE: -2.14748...*10^9  2.14748...*10^9 */ String[] encoded = new String[6]; //PER PARAMETER for (int j = 0; (j < 6); j++) { encoded[j] = encode(solution[j]); } return encoded; } public String encode(double sol) { /** * THE PRECISION IS [2^30  2^-20]!!! */ double temp = sol; String row = ""; //NEGATIVITY CHECK if (temp  (-21)); n--) { if ((temp - Math.pow(2, n)) >= 0) { temp = temp - Math.pow(2, n); row = row + "1"; } else { row = row + "0"; } } return row; } public double decoded(int position) { //returns UN-ENCODED solution double decoded = 0.00; char[] encoded = (chromosome[position]).toCharArray(); /** * [n?][][.][] */ int n = 30; for (int i = 1; (i < encoded.length); i++) { if (encoded[i] == '1') { decoded += Math.pow(2, n); } //next binary-place n--; } //NEGATIVE?? if (encoded[0] == '1') { decoded = ((-1) * decoded); } //Output return decoded; } /** * GETTERS * ---------------\/--REDUNDANT!! */ public double getParameter(int parameter) { //decoded solution return decoded(parameter); } /** * Used in E-algrm. */ public String getRow(int row) { //encoded solution return chromosome[row]; } /** * SETTERS */ public void setRow(String encoded, int row) { chromosome[row] = encoded; } public void setRow(double decoded, int row) { chromosome[row] = encode(decoded); } /** * MUTATIONS */ public void mutate(double mutationRate) { //range of: 51 double ran = 0; int r; char[] temp; for (int m = 0; (m < 6); m++) { temp = (chromosome[m]).toCharArray(); ran = chromoGen.nextDouble(); if (ran <= mutationRate) { r = chromoGen.nextInt(51); if (temp[r] == '1') { temp[r] = '0'; } else { temp[r] = '1'; } } //output chromosome[m] = new String(temp); } } } 

…处于SEPARATE线程中; 但是我不需要方法run() ; 但是当我尝试这样做时:

 child1 = new Chromosome(); (new Thread(child1)).start(); 

不过,我在运行时看到的唯一线程是main() 。 那么,我怎样才能使它成为单独的线程?


创建线程时,它会查找方法run() 。 有几种创建线程的方法。 我通过传递Runnable对象来做到这一点。

Thread t=new Thread (new Runnable);


  • 只要方法run()存在并运行,线程就会存在。 线程只执行run()方法内的代码。 它不是为了在run()之外执行任何操作而设计的。 当控件移出run()时,线程将死亡。


您将run()方法留空。 因此,线程不执行任何操作,并在创建时死亡。



你不需要将everthing放入run() ,你可以简单地将第一个方法调用转移到run()以便它保留在堆上。


 public class threading implements Runnable { public static void main(String args[]) { Thread t = new Thread (new Runnable); t.setName("thread1"); t.start(); print1(); print2(); } public static void print2() { System.out.println(Thread.getName()); } public static void print1() { System.out.println(Thread.getName()); } public void run() { System.out.println(Thread.getName()); } } 


  • 线程1
  • 主要
  • 主要


 public class threading implements Runnable { public static void main(String args[]) { Thread t = new Thread (new Runnable); t.setName("thread1"); t.start(); } public static void print2() { System.out.println(Thread.getName()); } public static void print1() { System.out.println(Thread.getName()); print2(); } public void run() { System.out.println(Thread.getName()); print1(); } } 


  • 线程1
  • 线程1
  • 线程1

我们通过在run()调用方法调用将方法run()保留在堆上。 该方法是进一步维持流动的方法。


当你有空的run()方法然后它立即完成,因为没有任何关系。 线程应该做什么,应该调用什么? 只需将该调用放入run()方法即可。


 public class Chromosome implements Runnable, Comparable { private String[] chromosome; public double fitness; private Random chromoGen; private double[] candidate; public Chromosome(double[] candidate) { super(); this.candidate=candidate; } //De-fault public Chromosome() { super(); } /** * IMPLEMENTED */ public void run() { if (candidate!=null) { //encode candidate PER parameter; using Matrix as storage chromosome = encode(candidate); chromoGen = new Random(); } else { chromoGen = new Random(); //de-fault genotype chromosome = new String[6]; } } public int compareTo(Chromosome c) { return (int)(fitness - c.fitness); } /** * Fitness stored in chromosome! */ public void setFitness(ArrayList target) { fitness = FF.fitness(this, target); } public double getFitness() { return fitness; } /** * ENCODERS/DECODERS */ public String[] encode(double[] solution) { //subtract 2^n from solution until you reach 2^-n /** * LENGTH: 51 BITS!! * * 1st BIT IS NEGATIVE/POSITIVE * * THE PRECISION IS [2^30 <-> 2^-20]!!! * * RANGE: -2.14748...*10^9 <-> 2.14748...*10^9 */ String[] encoded = new String[6]; //PER PARAMETER for (int j = 0; (j < 6); j++){ encoded[j] = encode(solution[j]); } return encoded; } public String encode(double sol) { /** * THE PRECISION IS [2^30 <-> 2^-20]!!! */ double temp = sol; String row = ""; //NEGATIVITY CHECK if (temp < 0){ //negative row = "1"; } else{ //positive row = "0"; } //main seq. for (int n = 30; (n > (-21)); n--){ if ((temp - Math.pow(2, n)) >= 0){ temp = temp - Math.pow(2, n); row = row+"1"; } else{ row = row+"0"; } } return row; } public double decoded(int position) { //returns UN-ENCODED solution double decoded = 0.00; char[] encoded = (chromosome[position]).toCharArray(); /** * [n?][<--int:30-->][.][<--ratio:20-->] */ int n = 30; for (int i = 1; (i < encoded.length); i++){ if (encoded[i] == '1'){ decoded += Math.pow(2, n); } //next binary-place n--; } //NEGATIVE?? if (encoded[0] == '1'){ decoded = ((-1)*decoded); } //Output return decoded; } /** * GETTERS * ---------------\/--REDUNDANT!! */ public double getParameter(int parameter) { //decoded solution return decoded(parameter); } /** * Used in E-algrm. */ public String getRow(int row) { //encoded solution return chromosome[row]; } /** * SETTERS */ public void setRow(String encoded, int row) { chromosome[row] = encoded; } public void setRow(double decoded, int row) { chromosome[row] = encode(decoded); } /** * MUTATIONS */ public void mutate(double mutationRate) { //range of: 51 double ran = 0; int r; char[] temp; for (int m = 0; (m < 6); m++){ temp = (chromosome[m]).toCharArray(); ran = chromoGen.nextDouble(); if (ran <= mutationRate){ r = chromoGen.nextInt(51); if (temp[r] == '1'){ temp[r] = '0'; } else{ temp[r] = '1'; } } //output chromosome[m] = new String(temp); } } } 



 public void run() { System.out.println("I hope leaving it empty works..."); } 
