Weblogic 12.1.3未找到PrivilegedActions类



public class QueueSend { // Defines the JNDI context factory. public final static String JNDI_FACTORY="weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory"; // Defines the JMS context factory. public final static String JMS_FACTORY="jms/MyConnectionFactory"; // Defines the queue. public final static String QUEUE="jms/MyTestQueue"; private QueueConnectionFactory qconFactory; private QueueConnection qcon; private QueueSession qsession; private QueueSender qsender; private Queue queue; private TextMessage msg; /** * Creates all the necessary objects for sending * messages to a JMS queue. * * @param ctx JNDI initial context * @param queueName name of queue * @exception NamingException if operation cannot be performed * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to initialize due to internal error */ public void init(Context ctx, String queueName) throws NamingException, JMSException { qconFactory = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup(JMS_FACTORY); qcon = qconFactory.createQueueConnection(); qsession = qcon.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup(queueName); qsender = qsession.createSender(queue); msg = qsession.createTextMessage(); qcon.start(); } /** * Sends a message to a JMS queue. * * @param message message to be sent * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to send message due to internal error */ public void send(String message) throws JMSException { msg.setText(message); qsender.send(msg); } /** * Closes JMS objects. * @exception JMSException if JMS fails to close objects due to internal error */ public void close() throws JMSException { qsender.close(); qsession.close(); qcon.close(); } /** main() method. * * @param args WebLogic Server URL * @exception Exception if operation fails */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Context ic = getInitialContext("t3://localhost:7001"); QueueSend qs = new QueueSend(); qs.init(ic, QUEUE); readAndSend(qs); qs.close(); } private static void readAndSend(QueueSend qs) throws IOException, JMSException { qs.send("ciao"); System.out.println("JMS Message Sent: ciao \n"); } private static InitialContext getInitialContext(String url) throws NamingException { Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, JNDI_FACTORY); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url); return new InitialContext(env); } } 


 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weblogic/security/service/PrivilegedActions at weblogic.jndi.WLSJNDIEnvironmentImpl.(WLSJNDIEnvironmentImpl.java:57) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:264) at weblogic.jndi.internal.JNDIEnvironment.getJNDIEnvironment(JNDIEnvironment.java:37) at weblogic.jndi.Environment.(Environment.java:92) at weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory.getInitialContext(WLInitialContextFactory.java:117) at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:684) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:313) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:244) at javax.naming.InitialContext.(InitialContext.java:216) at test.QueueSend.getInitialContext(QueueSend.java:109) at test.QueueSend.main(QueueSend.java:86) 

我和谷歌一起创建了PrivilegedActions在weblogic.security.service中( weblogic-api.jar ;我已经在我的项目中包含了这个jar但在内部它没有这个类)但只是12.1的问题。 3版?



我已更新到12.2.1并生成了一个wlfullclient.jar 。 我已将其添加到Build Library Path并删除了WebLogic Libraries。