
我写了这个查询来在hive上创建一个表。 我的数据最初是json格式,所以我已下载并构建serde并添加了运行所需的所有jar。 但我收到以下错误:

FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. Cannot validate serde: org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe 


 create table tip(type string, text string, business_id string, user_id string, date date, likes int) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES("date.mapping"="date") STORED AS TEXTFILE; 

我也遇到过这个问题。 在我的情况下,我设法通过在hive命令提示符下添加json-serde-1.3.7-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar来解决此问题,如下所示:

 hive> ADD JAR /usr/local/Hive-JSON-Serde/json-serde/target/json-serde-1.3.7-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar; 

以下是我在Ubuntu 14.04上遵循的步骤:

 1. Fire up Linux terminal and cd /usr/local 2. sudo git clone https://github.com/rcongiu/Hive-JSON-Serde.git 3. sudo mvn -Pcdh5 clean package 4. The serde file will be in /usr/local/Hive-JSON-Serde/json-serde/target/json-serde-1.3.7-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar 5. Go to hive prompt and ADD JAR file as shown in Step 6. 6. hive> ADD JAR /usr/local/Hive-JSON-Serde/json-serde/target/json-serde-1.3.7- SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar; 7. Now create hive table from hive> prompt. At this stage, Hive table should be created successfully without any error. 



参考: Hive-JSON-Serde


mvn安装在目录/ path / directory / Hive-JSON-Serd这里我们在/ usr / local