



该文档说: InstantiationException

当应用程序尝试使用类Class中的newInstance方法创建类的实例时抛出,但无法实例化指定的类对象。 实例化可能由于各种原因而失败,包括但不限于:

– 类对象表示抽象类,接口,数组类,基元类型或void

– 该类没有空构造函数


这是代码。 注释/取消注释类属性/局部变量以查看效果(行:5和10)。

 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; class InstantiationExceptionDemo { //static JTextField field = new JTextField();// works if uncommented public static void main( String [] args ) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); JButton button = new JButton("Click"); final JTextField field = new JTextField();// fails if uncommented button.addActionListener( new _(){{ System.out.println("click " + field.getText()); }}); frame.add( field ); frame.add( button, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); frame.pack();frame.setVisible( true ); } } class _ implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){ try { this.getClass().newInstance(); } catch( InstantiationException ie ){ throw new RuntimeException( ie ); } catch( IllegalAccessException ie ){ throw new RuntimeException( ie ); } } } 




 Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: InstantiationExceptionDemo$1 at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:340) at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:308) at _.actionPerformed(InstantiationExceptionDemo.java:25) 


只有_类的第一个实例才能访问局部变量。 后续实例不能,除非你提供它(通过构造函数arg)

 Constructor[] constructor = a.getClass().getDeclaredConstructors(); for (Constructor c : constructors) { System.out.println(c.getParameterTypes().length); } 

输出1.( a是您的匿名类的实例)

也就是说,我不认为这是实现闭包的好方法。 初始化程序块至少被调用一次,而不需要它。 我假设你只是在玩耍,但看看lambdaj 。 或者等待Java 7 🙂

这是static field版本的javap -c InstantiationExceptionDemo$1的摘录:

 Compiled from "InstantiationExceptionDemo.java" class InstantiationExceptionDemo$1 extends _{ InstantiationExceptionDemo$1(); Code: 0: aload_0 1: invokespecial #8; //Method _."":()V 4: getstatic #10; //Field InstantiationExceptionDemo.field: //Ljavax/swing/JTextField; 

这是final局部变量版本的javap -c InstantiationExceptionDemo$1

 Compiled from "InstantiationExceptionDemo.java" class InstantiationExceptionDemo$1 extends _{ InstantiationExceptionDemo$1(javax.swing.JTextField); Code: 0: aload_0 1: invokespecial #8; //Method _."":()V 4: aload_1 

所以这是你的原因: final局部变量版本在构造函数中需要一个额外的参数,即JTextField引用。 它没有无效的构造函数。

如果你考虑一下,这是有道理的。 否则,这个版本的InstantiationExceptionDemo$1将如何获得field引用? 编译器隐藏了这个作为合成构造函数的参数给出的事实。



使用本地最终变量时,编译器会创建一个构造函数,其中包含匿名内部类使用的字段并调用它。 它还使用值“注入”字段。



 import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; class InstantiationExceptionDemo { public static void main( String [] args ) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); final JButton reverse = new JButton("Reverse"); final JButton swap = new JButton("Swap"); final JTextField fieldOne = new JTextField(20); final JTextField fieldTwo = new JTextField(20); // reverse the string in field one reverse.addActionListener( new _(){{ StringBuilder toReverse = new StringBuilder(); toReverse.append( fieldOne.getText() ); toReverse.reverse(); fieldOne.setText( toReverse.toString() ); //fieldOne.setText( new StringBuilder( fieldOne.getText() ).reverse().toString() ); }}); // swap the fields swap.addActionListener( new _(){{ String temp = fieldOne.getText(); fieldOne.setText( fieldTwo.getText() ); fieldTwo.setText( temp ); }}); // scaffolding frame.add( new JPanel(){{ add( fieldOne ); add( fieldTwo ); }} ); frame.add( new JPanel(){{ add( reverse ); add( swap ); }}, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); frame.pack();frame.setVisible( true ); } } abstract class _ implements ActionListener { public _(){} public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ){ invokeBlock(); } private void invokeBlock(){ // does actually invoke the block but with a trick // it creates another instance of this same class // which will be immediately discarded because there are no more // references to it. try { // fields declared by the compiler in the anonymous inner class Field[] fields = this.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); Class[] types= new Class[fields.length]; Object[] values = new Object[fields.length]; int i = 0; for( Field f : fields ){ types[i] = f.getType(); values[i] = f.get( this ); i++; } // this constructor was added by the compiler Constructor constructor = getClass().getDeclaredConstructor( types ); constructor.newInstance( values ); } catch( InstantiationException ie ){ throw new RuntimeException( ie ); } catch( IllegalAccessException ie ){ throw new RuntimeException( ie ); }catch( InvocationTargetException ie ){ throw new RuntimeException( ie ); } catch(NoSuchMethodException nsme){ throw new RuntimeException( nsme ); } } } 






也许在Java 7 🙁

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