
我现在正在写一个http服务器,我从sockets读取时遇到问题。 我的问题是来自客户端的inputStream永远不会结束,它会一直读取,直到客户端关闭。 我知道客户端在发送http请求后不会立即关闭与服务器的连接。 当客户端发送了所有请求数据(即标题+正文)时,如何退出while loop

 while (in.hasNextLine()) { String line = in.nextLine(); if (line.equals("")){ // last line of request header is blank break; // quit while loop when last line of header is reached } else { request = request + line + "\n"; } } 


  is = incoming.getInputStream(); os = incoming.getOutputStream(); in = new Scanner(is); out = new DataOutputStream(os); RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler(); int length = 0; while (in.hasNextLine()) { String line = in.nextLine(); if (line.equals("")) { // last line of request message // header is a // blank line break; // quit while loop when last line of header is // reached } if (line.startsWith("Content-Length: ")) { // get the // content-length int index = line.indexOf(':') + 1; String len = line.substring(index).trim(); length = Integer.parseInt(len); } request = request + line + "\n"; } byte[] body = new byte[length]; int i = 0; while (i < length) { byte b = in.nextByte(); body[i] = b; i++; } 

但是,我仍然不知道按字节读取。 我可以编写我的代码来读取直到-1,但是当没有EOF且客户端没有关闭连接时仍然卡住。


  1. 如果它是GETHEAD请求,您只需要读取HTTP标头,如果它存在,通常会忽略请求体,所以当您遇到\r\n\r\n ,您到达请求的结尾(实际上是请求标头)。
  2. 如果是POST方法,请读取标题中的Content-Length并读取Content-Length字节。
  3. 如果它是一个POST方法并且Content-Length标头不存在(最有可能发生),则读取直到返回-1 ,这是EOF的信号。


  is = incoming.getInputStream(); // initiating inputStream os = incoming.getOutputStream(); // initiating outputStream in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); // initiating // bufferReader out = new DataOutputStream(os); // initiating DataOutputSteream RequestHandler rh = new RequestHandler(); // create a // requestHandler // object String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.equals("")) { // last line of request message // header is a // blank line (\r\n\r\n) break; // quit while loop when last line of header is // reached } // checking line if it has information about Content-Length // weather it has message body or not if (line.startsWith("Content-Length: ")) { // get the // content-length int index = line.indexOf(':') + 1; String len = line.substring(index).trim(); length = Integer.parseInt(len); } request.append(line + "\n"); // append the request } // end of while to read headers // if there is Message body, go in to this loop if (length > 0) { int read; while ((read = in.read()) != -1) { body.append((char) read); if (body.length() == length) break; } } request.append(body); // adding the body to request