
我正在研究具有本机方法的ITLSSPProc.dll ,它在C语言中具有以下结构定义,但我必须用Java编写代码。 我连续搜索了最近三天但找不到解决方案。

 1.typedef struct{ unsigned __int64 FixedKey; // 8 byte number for fixed host key unsigned __int64 EncryptKey; // 8 Byte number for variable key }SSP_FULL_KEY; 2.typedef struct{ unsigned __int64 Generator; unsigned __int64 Modulus; unsigned __int64 HostInter; unsigned __int64 HostRandom; unsigned __int64 SlaveInterKey; unsigned __int64 SlaveRandom; unsigned __int64 KeyHost; unsigned __int64 KeySlave; }SSP_KEYS 3.typedef struct{ SSP_FULL_KEY Key; // the full key unsigned long BaudRate; // baud rate of the packet unsigned long Timeout; // how long in ms to wait for a reply from the slave unsigned char PortNumber; // the serial com port number of the host unsigned char SSPAddress; // the SSP address of the slave unsigned char RetryLevel; // how many retries to the slave for non-response unsigned char EncryptionStatus; // is this an encrypted command 0 – No, 1 - Yes unsigned char CommandDataLength; // Number of bytes in the command unsigned char CommandData[255]; // Array containing the command bytes unsigned char ResponseStatus; // Response Status (PORT_STATUS enum) unsigned char ResponseDataLength; // how many bytes in the response unsigned char ResponseData[255]; // an array of response data unsigned char IgnoreError; // flag to suppress error box (0 – display,1 suppress) }SSP_COMMAND 


  public class SSP_FULL_KEY { long FixedKey; long EncryptKey; public SSP_FULL_KEY(long fix, long encr) { FixedKey = fix; EncryptKey = encr; } } public class SSP_COMMAND { //string PortNumber; SSP_FULL_KEY key; long BaudRate; // baud rate of the packet long Timeout; // how long in ms to wait for a reply from the slave String PortNumber; // the serial com port number of the host String SSPAddress; // the SSP address of the slave String RetryLevel; // how many retries to the slave for non-response String EncryptionStatus; // is this an encrypted command 0 - No, 1 - Yes String CommandDataLength; // Number of bytes in the command String[] CommandData = new String[255]; // Array containing the command bytes String ResponseStatus; // Response Status (PORT_STATUS enum) String ResponseDataLength; // how many bytes in the response String ResponseData[] = new String[255]; // an array of response data String IgnoreError; // flag to suppress error box (0 - display,1- suppress) public SSP_COMMAND(String comport) { BaudRate = 9600; Timeout = 500; PortNumber = comport; RetryLevel = "5"; IgnoreError = "0"; EncryptionStatus = "0"; ResponseStatus = "0"; ResponseDataLength = "0"; SSPAddress = "0"; CommandDataLength = "0"; key = new SSP_FULL_KEY(012345670123, 012345670123); } } native method:OpenSSPComPort(SSPCOMMAND * cmd) 


  Pointer to SSP_COMMAND structure Returns: WORD 0 for fail, 1 for success 



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