


我有同样的问题。 在这里,我发布一个示例方法,在其中突出显示运行中包含的子字符串。

private int highlightSubsentence(String sentence, XWPFParagraph p, int i) { //get the current run Style - here I might need to save the current style XWPFRun currentRun = p.getRuns().get(i); String currentRunText = currentRun.text(); int sentenceLength = sentence.length(); int sentenceBeginIndex = currentRunText.indexOf(sentence); int addedRuns = 0; p.removeRun(i); //Create, if necessary, a run before the highlight part if (sentenceBeginIndex > 0) { XWPFRun before = p.insertNewRun(i); before.setText(currentRunText.substring(0, sentenceBeginIndex)); //here I might need to re-introduce the style of the deleted run addedRuns++; } // highlight the interesting part XWPFRun sentenceRun = p.insertNewRun(i + addedRuns); sentenceRun.setText(currentRunText.substring(sentenceBeginIndex, sentenceBeginIndex + sentenceLength)); currentStyle.copyStyle(sentenceRun); CTShd cTShd = sentenceRun.getCTR().addNewRPr().addNewShd(); cTShd.setFill("00FFFF"); //Create, if necessary, a run after the highlight part if (sentenceBeginIndex + sentenceLength != currentRunText.length()) { XWPFRun after = p.insertNewRun(i + addedRuns + 1); after.setText(currentRunText.substring(sentenceBeginIndex + sentenceLength)); //here I might need to re-introduce the style of the deleted run addedRuns++; } return addedRuns; } 

