Spring MVC:在进行AJAX调用后在对话框中显示数据


我有一个表,其中包含一个带超链接的列。 当我单击行的超链接时,我需要在对话框中显示行数据以及其他详细信息。 我的控制器方法返回一个ModelAndView ,它包含我需要显示的数据和显示页面。


  1. 如何显示对话框? 和

  2. 如何将数据传递给对话框?


  function showDialog(ref, date) { $ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/example/show.htm", data: { ref: ref, date: date } success: function(data) { }, error: function(data) { } }); }  


 @RequestMapping(value = "show.htm", method=RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView show(@RequestParam("ref") String ref, @RequestParam("date") String date, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(); try { SampleDTO SampleDTO = new SampleDTO(); sampleDTO.setDate(sdf.parse(date)); sampleDTO.setRef(ref); SampleDTO billDto = // server call modelAndView.addObject("showBill", sampleDto); modelAndView.setViewName("Dialog"); } return modelAndView; } 

你的代码是错误的,你搞乱了,如果你想使用jQueryajax调用,那么不要在你的Spring控制器中使用ModelAndView 。 而不是那样,使用以下内容并使用Java Jackson库将beandto作为json




 @RequestMapping(value = "businessBill.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST) @ResponseBody public String handleBusinessBillDetails(@RequestParam("reference") String billReference, @RequestParam("invoiceDate") String billDate, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String json = null; try { //1. Create 'jackson' object mapper ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); BusinessBillDTO businessBillDTO = new BusinessBillDTO(); businessBillDTO.setBillDate(sdf.parse(billDate)); businessBillDTO.setBillReference(billReference); BusinessBillDTO billDto = accountStatementBO.getBusinessBillDetails(businessBillDTO); //2. Convert your 'bean' or 'dto' as 'json' string json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(billDto); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error(ex); } return json; } 

然后,在Table.jsp使用的div Dialog.jsphidden ,这将是您将来的modal对话框(请注意, span标记中也有一些更改):



你也可以使用$.ajax并处理更多状态,如onerror和其他状态,但这种方式更简单(至少对我来说,你只需要评估返回的data是否为null ,让我们知道user如果为null – 那在server端发生的事情,可能会显示带有通用消息的alert ) – 请阅读评论。

 function getBusinessBill(billReference, billInvoiceDate) { $.post("/AccountStatement/businessBill.htm", { reference: billReference, invoiceDate: billInvoiceDate }, function (data) { /* You can implement more validations for 'data', in my case I just used these 'if' conditionals but can vary. */ if(data != null) { //returned 'data' is not 'null' /* parse 'data' as 'json' object * will be good to console.log(data) and take a look. */ var obj = $.parseJSON(data); if(obj != {}) { //check if 'data' is not an empty 'json' object once transformed //set the 'data' in the dialog $('#dlg-account-number').text(obj.accountNumber); $('#dlg-bill-date').text(obj.billDate); /* open modal dialog, you can simulate it this way (for this case) * but the correct way is to use 'jquery-ui' dialog or any plugin you prefer. * At this point you will see the hidden 'div' in a visible way with your 'data'. */ $('#BusinessBill').fadeIn(); } else { //show 'generic' message alert('No results found.'); } } else { //show 'generic' message alert('An error occurred, try again.'); } }); } 

最后,如果一切正确,您将在同一页面( Table.jsp )上看到带有datamodal对话框,所有这些都是通过ajax调用来避免重定向页面( Table.jsp to => Dialog.jsp )。