
我正在围绕ElasticSearch的管理客户端编写一个简单的Java包装器。 为了测试它,我有一个main方法,首先检查索引是否存在(IndicesExistsRequest),如果是,则删除它(DeleteIndexRequest),并再次创建索引。 见下面的代码。 然而,我一直得到一个IndexAlreadyExistsException。

顺便说一句,我试图从命令提示符(通过简单地键入“弹性搜索”)获取节点的客户端。 我已经在nodeBuilder的流畅界面上尝试了各种方法组合,但我似乎无法得到一个。

public static void main(String[] args) { ElasticSearchJavaClient esjc = new ElasticSearchJavaClient("nda"); if (esjc.indexExists()) { esjc.deleteIndex(); } esjc.createIndex(); URL url = SchemaCreator.class.getResource("/elasticsearch/specimen.type.json"); String mappings = FileUtil.getContents(url); esjc.createType("specimen", mappings); } final Client esClient; final IndicesAdminClient adminClient; final String indexName; public ElasticSearchJavaClient(String indexName) { this.indexName = indexName; esClient = nodeBuilder().clusterName("elasticsearch").client(true).node().client(); adminClient = esClient.admin().indices(); } public boolean deleteIndex() { logger.info("Deleting index " + indexName); DeleteIndexRequest request = new DeleteIndexRequest(indexName); try { DeleteIndexResponse response = adminClient.delete(request).actionGet(); if (!response.isAcknowledged()) { throw new Exception("Failed to delete index " + indexName); } logger.info("Index deleted"); return true; } catch (IndexMissingException e) { logger.info("No such index: " + indexName); return false; } } public boolean indexExists() { logger.info(String.format("Verifying existence of index \"%s\"", indexName)); IndicesExistsRequest request = new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName); IndicesExistsResponse response = adminClient.exists(request).actionGet(); if (response.isExists()) { logger.info("Index exists"); return true; } logger.info("No such index"); return false; } public void createIndex() { logger.info("Creating index " + indexName); CreateIndexRequest request = new CreateIndexRequest(indexName); IndicesAdminClient iac = esClient.admin().indices(); CreateIndexResponse response = iac.create(request).actionGet(); if (!response.isAcknowledged()) { throw new Exception("Failed to delete index " + indexName); } logger.info("Index created"); } 


 boolean exists = client.admin().indices() .prepareExists(INDEX_NAME) .execute().actionGet().isExists(); 

好的,我找到了解决方案。 由于java客户端的调用是异步完成的,因此您必须使用带有动作侦听器的变体。 解决方案仍然有点做作:

 // Inner class because it's just used to be thrown out of // the action listener implementation to signal that the // index exists private class ExistsException extends RuntimeException { } public boolean exists() { logger.info(String.format("Verifying existence of index \"%s\"", indexName)); IndicesExistsRequest request = new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName); try { adminClient.exists(request, new ActionListener() { public void onResponse(IndicesExistsResponse response) { if (response.isExists()) { throw new ExistsException(); } } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { ExceptionUtil.smash(e); } }); } catch (ExistsException e) { return true; } return false; } 

如果您想检查索引是否可用于实际索引名称或其任何别名 ,则skgemini的答案是可以的。


 public boolean checkIfIndexExists(String index) { IndexMetaData indexMetaData = client.admin().cluster() .state(Requests.clusterStateRequest()) .actionGet() .getState() .getMetaData() .index(index); return (indexMetaData != null); } 



 public boolean checkIfIndexExists(String indexName) throws IOException { Response response = client.getLowLevelClient().performRequest("HEAD", "/" + indexName); int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); return (statusCode != 404); } 


我有同样的问题,但我不喜欢使用ActionListener的解决方案。 ElasticSearch还提供Future变体(至少在6.1.0版本中)。


 public boolean doesIndexExists(String indexName, TransportClient client) { IndicesExistsRequest request = new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName); ActionFuture future = client.admin().indices().exists(request); try { IndicesExistsResponse response = future.get(); boolean result = response.isExists(); logger.info("Existence of index '" + indexName + "' result is " + result); return result; } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { logger.error("Exception at waiting for IndicesExistsResponse", e); return false;//do some clever exception handling } } 

可能这也有助于其他人。 干杯!