Hobbs的Coref Resolution算法




  1. 从名词短语(NP)节点开始,立即支配代词。
  2. 上树到遇到的第一个NP或句子(S)节点。 调用此节点X,并调用用于访问它的路径p。
  3. 以从左到右,广度优先的方式遍历节点X下面的所有分支到路径p的左侧。 建议遇到任何在其与X之间具有NP或S节点的NP节点作为先行词。
  4. 如果节点X是句子中最高的S节点,则按照新近度的顺序遍历文本中先前句子的表面解析树,最近的第一个; 每个树以从左到右,广度优先的方式遍历,并且当遇到NP节点时,建议将其作为先行词。 如果X不是句子中的最高S节点,请继续执行步骤5。
  5. 从节点X开始,将树向上移动到遇到的第一个NP或S节点。 调用此新节点X,并调用遍历的路径到达它p。
  6. 如果X是NP节点,并且如果路径p到X没有通过X立即占主导地位的标称节点,则建议X作为前提。
  7. 以从左到右,广度优先的方式遍历节点X下方的所有分支到路径p的左侧。 提出任何遇到的NP节点作为前提。
  8. 如果X是S节点,则以从左到右,广度优先的方式遍历节点X的所有分支到路径p的右侧,但不要低于遇到的任何NP或S节点。 提出任何遇到的NP节点作为前提。
  9. 转到步骤4

看第3步:“路径p的左边”。 我解释它的方式是从左到右迭代子树,直到我找到包含代词的分支(因此从代词到X的路径的一部分)。 在Java中:

for (Tree relative : X.children()) { for (Tree candidate : relative) { if (candidate.contains(pronoun)) break; // I am looking to all the nodes to the LEFT (ie coming before) the path leading to X. contain  in the path ... 

然而,这样做不会处理像“亚瑟王自己的房子”这样的句子。 这是因为“亚瑟王”包含“他自己”,因此不予考虑。


作为参考,Java中的完整代码(使用Stanford Parser)在这里:

 import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Word; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.Sentence; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.DocumentPreprocessor; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.Tokenizer; import edu.stanford.nlp.trees.*; import edu.stanford.nlp.parser.lexparser.LexicalizedParser; class ParseAllXMLDocuments { /** * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SAXException * @throws TransformerException * @throws ModifyException * @throws NavException * @throws TranscodeException * @throws ParseException * @throws EntityException * @throws EOFException * @throws EncodingException */ static final int MAXPREVSENTENCES = 4; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerException { // File dataFolder = new File("DataToPort"); // File[] documents; String grammar = "grammar/englishPCFG.ser.gz"; String[] options = { "-maxLength", "100", "-retainTmpSubcategories" }; LexicalizedParser lp = new LexicalizedParser(grammar, options); // // if (dataFolder.isDirectory()) { // documents = dataFolder.listFiles(); // } else { // documents = new File[] {dataFolder}; // } // int currfile = 0; // int totfiles = documents.length; // for (File paper : documents) { // currfile++; // if (paper.getName().equals(".DS_Store")||paper.getName().equals(".xml")) { // currfile--; // totfiles--; // continue; // } // System.out.println("Working on "+paper.getName()+" (file "+currfile+" out of "+totfiles+")."); // // DocumentBuilderFactory docFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); // This is for XML // DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); // Document doc = docBuilder.parse(paper.getAbsolutePath()); // // NodeList textlist = doc.getElementsByTagName("text"); // for(int i=0; i < textlist.getLength(); i++) { // Node currentnode = textlist.item(i); // String wholetext = textlist.item(i).getTextContent(); String wholetext = "The house of King Arthur himself. You live in it all the day."; //System.out.println(wholetext); //Iterable<List> sentences; System.out.println(wholetext); ArrayList parseTrees = new ArrayList(); String asd = ""; int j = 0; StringReader stringreader = new StringReader(wholetext); DocumentPreprocessor dp = new DocumentPreprocessor(stringreader); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") ArrayList sentences = preprocess(dp); for (List sentence : sentences) { parseTrees.add( lp.apply(sentence) ); // Parsing a new sentence and adding it to the parsed tree ArrayList PronounsList = findPronouns(parseTrees.get(j)); // Locating all pronouns to resolve in the sentence Tree corefedTree; for (Tree pronounTree : PronounsList) { parseTrees.set(parseTrees.size()-1, HobbsResolve(pronounTree, parseTrees)); // Resolving the coref and modifying the tree for each pronoun } StringWriter strwr = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter prwr = new PrintWriter(strwr); TreePrint tp = new TreePrint("penn"); tp.printTree(parseTrees.get(j), prwr); prwr.flush(); asd += strwr.toString(); j++; } String armando = ""; for (Tree sentence : parseTrees) { for (Tree leaf : Trees.leaves(sentence)) armando += leaf + " "; } System.out.println(armando); System.out.println("All done."); // currentnode.setTextContent(asd); // } // TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); // DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc); // StreamResult result = new StreamResult(paper); // transformer.transform(source, result); // // System.out.println("Done"); // } } public static Tree HobbsResolve(Tree pronoun, ArrayList forest) { Tree wholetree = forest.get(forest.size()-1); // The last one is the one I am going to start from ArrayList candidates = new ArrayList(); List path = wholetree.pathNodeToNode(wholetree, pronoun); System.out.println(path); // Step 1 Tree ancestor = pronoun.parent(wholetree); // This one locates the NP the pronoun is in, therefore we need one more "parenting" ! // Step 2 ancestor = ancestor.parent(wholetree); //System.out.println("LABEL: "+pronoun.label().value() + "\n\tVALUE: "+pronoun.firstChild()); while ( !ancestor.label().value().equals("NP") && !ancestor.label().value().equals("S") ) ancestor = ancestor.parent(wholetree); Tree X = ancestor; path = X.pathNodeToNode(wholetree, pronoun); System.out.println(path); // Step 3 for (Tree relative : X.children()) { for (Tree candidate : relative) { if (candidate.contains(pronoun)) break; // I am looking to all the nodes to the LEFT (ie coming before) the path leading to X. contain  in the path //System.out.println("LABEL: "+relative.label().value() + "\n\tVALUE: "+relative.firstChild()); if ( (candidate.parent(wholetree) != X) && (candidate.parent(wholetree).label().value().equals("NP") || candidate.parent(wholetree).label().value().equals("S")) ) if (candidate.label().value().equals("NP")) // "Propose as the antecedent any NP node that is encountered which has an NP or S node between it and X" candidates.add(candidate); } } // Step 9 is a GOTO step 4, hence I will envelope steps 4 to 8 inside a while statement. while (true) { // It is NOT an infinite loop. // Step 4 if (X.parent(wholetree) == wholetree) { for (int q=1 ; q < MAXPREVSENTENCES; ++q) {// I am looking for the prev sentence (hence we start with 1) if (forest.size()-1 < q) break; // If I don't have it, break Tree prevTree = forest.get(forest.size()-1-q); // go to previous tree // Now we look for each S subtree, in order of recency (hence right-to-left, hence opposite order of that of .children() ). ArrayList backlist = new ArrayList(); for (Tree child : prevTree.children()) { for (Tree subtree : child) { if (subtree.label().value().equals("S")) { backlist.add(child); break; } } } for (int i = backlist.size()-1 ; i >=0 ; --i) { Tree Treetovisit = backlist.get(i); for (Tree relative : Treetovisit.children()) { for (Tree candidate : relative) { if (candidate.contains(pronoun)) continue; // I am looking to all the nodes to the LEFT (ie coming before) the path leading to X. contain  in the path //System.out.println("LABEL: "+relative.label().value() + "\n\tVALUE: "+relative.firstChild()); if (candidate.label().value().equals("NP")) { // "Propose as the antecedent any NP node that you find" if (!candidates.contains(candidate)) candidates.add(candidate); } } } } } break; // It will always come here eventually } // Step 5 ancestor = X.parent(wholetree); //System.out.println("LABEL: "+pronoun.label().value() + "\n\tVALUE: "+pronoun.firstChild()); while ( !ancestor.label().value().equals("NP") && !ancestor.label().value().equals("S") ) ancestor = ancestor.parent(wholetree); X = ancestor; // Step 6 if (X.label().value().equals("NP")) { // If X is an NP for (Tree child : X.children()) { // Find the nominal nodes that X directly dominates if (child.label().value().equals("NN") || child.label().value().equals("NNS") || child.label().value().equals("NNP") || child.label().value().equals("NNPS") ) if (! child.contains(pronoun)) candidates.add(X); // If one of them is not in the path between X and the pronoun, add X to the antecedents } } // Step SETTE for (Tree relative : X.children()) { for (Tree candidate : relative) { if (candidate.contains(pronoun)) continue; // I am looking to all the nodes to the LEFT (ie coming before) the path leading to X. contain  in the path //System.out.println("LABEL: "+relative.label().value() + "\n\tVALUE: "+relative.firstChild()); if (candidate.label().value().equals("NP")) { // "Propose as the antecedent any NP node that you find" boolean contains = false; for (Tree oldercandidate : candidates) { if (oldercandidate.contains(candidate)) { contains=true; break; } } if (!contains) candidates.add(candidate); } } } // Step 8 if (X.label().value().equals("S")) { boolean right = false; // Now we want all branches to the RIGHT of the path pronoun -> X. for (Tree relative : X.children()) { if (relative.contains(pronoun)) { right = true; continue; } if (!right) continue; for (Tree child : relative) { // Go in but do not go below any NP or S node. Go below the rest if (child.label().value().equals("NP")) { candidates.add(child); break; // not sure if this means avoid going below NP but continuing with the rest of non-NP children. Should be since its DFS. } if (child.label().value().equals("S")) break; // Same } } } } // Step 9 is a GOTO, so we use a while. System.out.println(pronoun + ": CHAIN IS " + candidates.toString()); ArrayList scores = new ArrayList(); for (int j=0; j < candidates.size(); ++j) { Tree candidate = candidates.get(j); Tree parent = null; int parent_index = 0; for (Tree tree : forest) { if (tree.contains(candidate)) { parent = tree; break; } ++parent_index; } scores.add(0); if (parent_index == 0) scores.set(j, scores.get(j)+100); // If in the last sentence, +100 points scores.set(j, scores.get(j) + syntacticScore(candidate, parent)); if (existentialEmphasis(candidate)) // Example: "There was a dog standing outside" scores.set(j, scores.get(j)+70); if (!adverbialEmphasis(candidate, parent)) scores.set(j, scores.get(j)+50); if (headNounEmphasis(candidate, parent)) scores.set(j, scores.get(j)+80); int sz = forest.size()-1; // System.out.println("pronoun in sentence " + sz + "(sz). Candidate in sentence "+parent_index+" (parent_index)"); int dividend = 1; for (int u=0; u  " + scores.get(j) ); } int max = -1; int max_index = -1; for (int i=0; i  max) { max_index = i; max = scores.get(i); } } Tree final_candidate = candidates.get(max_index); System.out.println("My decision for " + pronoun + " is: " + final_candidate); // Decide what candidate, with both gender resolution and Lappin and Leass ranking. Tree pronounparent = pronoun.parent(wholetree).parent(wholetree); // 1 parent gives me the NP of the pronoun int pos = 0; for (Tree sibling : pronounparent.children()) { System.out.println("Sibling "+pos+": " + sibling); if (sibling.contains(pronoun)) break; ++pos; } System.out.println("Before setchild: " + pronounparent); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Tree returnval = pronounparent.setChild(pos, final_candidate); System.out.println("After setchild: " + pronounparent); return wholetree; // wholetree is already modified, since it contains pronounparent } private static int syntacticScore(Tree candidate, Tree root) { // We will check whether the NP is inside an S (hence it would be a subject) // a VP (direct object) // a PP inside a VP (an indirect obj) Tree parent = candidate; while (! parent.label().value().equals("S")) { if (parent.label().value().equals("VP")) return 50; // direct obj if (parent.label().value().equals("PP")) { Tree grandparent = parent.parent(root); while (! grandparent.label().value().equals("S")) { if (parent.label().value().equals("VP")) // indirect obj is a PP inside a VP return 40; parent = grandparent; grandparent = grandparent.parent(root); } } parent = parent.parent(root); } return 80; // If nothing remains, it must be the subject } private static boolean existentialEmphasis(Tree candidate) { // We want to check whether our NP's Dets are "a" or "an". for (Tree child : candidate) { if (child.label().value().equals("DT")) { for (Tree leaf : child) { if (leaf.value().equals("a")||leaf.value().equals("an") ||leaf.value().equals("A")||leaf.value().equals("An") ) { //System.out.println("Existential emphasis!"); return true; } } } } return false; } private static boolean headNounEmphasis(Tree candidate, Tree root) { Tree parent = candidate.parent(root); while (! parent.label().value().equals("S")) { // If it is the head NP, it is not contained in another NP (that's exactly how the original algorithm does it) if (parent.label().value().equals("NP")) return false; parent = parent.parent(root); } return true; } private static boolean adverbialEmphasis(Tree candidate, Tree root) { // Like in "Inside the castle, King Arthur was invincible". "Castle" has the adv emph. Tree parent = candidate; while (! parent.label().value().equals("S")) { if (parent.label().value().equals("PP")) { for (Tree sibling : parent.siblings(root)) { if ( (sibling.label().value().equals(","))) { //System.out.println("adv Emph!"); return true; } } } parent = parent.parent(root); } return false; } public static ArrayList findPronouns(Tree t) { ArrayList pronouns = new ArrayList(); if (t.label().value().equals("PRP") && !t.children()[0].label().value().equals("I") && !t.children()[0].label().value().equals("you") && !t.children()[0].label().value().equals("You")) { pronouns.add(t); } else for (Tree child : t.children()) pronouns.addAll(findPronouns(child)); return pronouns; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static ArrayList preprocess(DocumentPreprocessor strarray) { ArrayList Result = new ArrayList(); for (List sentence : strarray) { if (!StringUtils.isAsciiPrintable(sentence.toString())) { continue; // Removing non ASCII printable sentences } //string = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(string); //string = string.replaceAll("([^A-Za-z0-9])", "\\s$1"); int nonwords_chars = 0; int words_chars = 0; for (HasWord hasword : sentence ) { String next = hasword.toString(); if ((next.length() > 30)||(next.matches("[^A-Za-z]"))) nonwords_chars += next.length(); // Words too long or non alphabetical will be junk else words_chars += next.length(); } if ( (nonwords_chars / (nonwords_chars+words_chars)) > 0.5) // If more than 50% of the string is non-alphabetical, it is going to be junk continue; // Working on a character-basis because some sentences may contain a single, very long word if (sentence.size() > 100) { System.out.println("\tString longer than 100 words!\t" + sentence.toString()); continue; } Result.add(sentence); } return Result; } } 

如果您想要像原作者所希望的那样精确地理解算法,那么您应该查阅他的论文 。 但是你有一些相当基本的误解。 该算法用于常规代词,而不是像“他自己”这样的反身代词,它们通常非常局部地绑定。 实际上,该算法的步骤旨在解释常规代词如何不能非常局部地约束。 例如,第3步意味着捕获:




