

/* long: The long data type is a 64-bit signed two's complement integer. It has a minimum value of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and a maximum value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive). Use this data type when you need a range of values wider than those provided by int. */ package Literals; public class Literal_Long { public static void main(String[] args) { long a = 1; long b = 2; long min = -9223372036854775808; long max = 9223372036854775807;//Inclusive System.out.println(a); System.out.println(b); System.out.println(a + b); System.out.println(min); System.out.println(max); } } 

java中的所有文字数字都是默认的ints ,其范围为-21474836482147483647含)。

你的文字超出了这个范围,所以要进行这个编译,你需要表明它们是long文字(即后缀为L ):

 long min = -9223372036854775808L; long max = 9223372036854775807L; 

请注意,java支持大写L和小写l ,但我建议不要使用小写l因为它看起来像1

 long min = -9223372036854775808l; // confusing: looks like the last digit is a 1 long max = 9223372036854775807l; // confusing: looks like the last digit is a 1 


如果整数文字后缀为ASCII字母L或l(ell),则整数文字的长度为long; 否则它的类型为int(§4.2.1)。


 long min = -9223372036854775808L; long max = 9223372036854775807L;//Inclusive