
我使用3个数组(x,y和半径大小)创建了5个带有随机x和y坐标和半径的圆。 但是,我需要圆圈根据它们是否与另一个圆重叠来动态改变颜色。 因此,如果5个圆圈中的一个根本不重叠,则应将其涂成黑色。 重叠的圆圈应为青色。 如果它们的中心点之间的距离小于它们的半径之和,则认为两个圆重叠。

这是我到目前为止为圆圈类写的。 以下代码将在applet窗口中成功绘制5个圆,并成功计算距离,但问题在于着色。 颜色填充中似乎存在逻辑错误,我在这里看不到问题。 有什么建议? 非常感谢。

public class Circles extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics page) { Random locator = new Random(); int [] xpt = new int [5]; int [] ypt = new int [5]; int [] rad = new int [5]; setPreferredSize (new Dimension(300, 300)); for (int i = 0; i < xpt.length; i++){ xpt[i] = locator.nextInt(100); //need to set a number or it goes into millions, cannot set it in Random() ypt[i] = locator.nextInt(100); rad[i] = locator.nextInt(100); System.out.println("The #" + i + " x-point: " + xpt[i] + " y-point: " + ypt[i] + " radius: " + rad[i]); //for debugging purposes for (int j = 0; j < xpt.length; j++){ double xpoint1 = xpt[i]+rad[i]; double ypoint1 = ypt[i]+rad[i]; double xpoint2 = xpt[j]+rad[j]; double ypoint2 = ypt[j]+rad[j]; double radius1 = rad[i]; double radius2 = rad[j]; double theDistance = distance(xpoint1,ypoint1,xpoint2,ypoint2); System.out.println("Comparing " + i + " to " + j); //for debugging and logic checking if (i==j) ; else if (theDistance <= (radius1+radius2)) { page.setColor(Color.cyan); page.fillOval(xpt[i], ypt[i], rad[i], rad[i]); //page.fillOval(xpt[j], ypt[j], rad[j], rad[j]); System.out.println("Overlap occurred. Colored " + i + " and " + j + " cyan."); System.out.println("Center points: ("+ xpoint1 +", "+ ypoint1 +") and ("+ xpoint2 + ", "+ ypoint2 + ")."); } else { page.setColor(Color.black); page.fillOval(xpt[i], ypt[i], rad[i], rad[i]); //page.fillOval(xpt[j], ypt[j], rad[j], rad[j]); System.out.println("No overlap. Made " + i + " and " + j + " black."); } } } } public static double distance( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { return Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); } } 




 function circlesCollide(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2){ return (distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) <= (r1 + r2)); } 

你为什么选择+rad[] ? 您不必添加半径来比较距离。

  double xpoint1 = xpt[i]+rad[i]; double ypoint1 = ypt[i]+rad[i]; double xpoint2 = xpt[j]+rad[j]; double ypoint2 = ypt[j]+rad[j]; [...] double theDistance = distance(xpoint1,ypoint1,xpoint2,ypoint2); [...] page.fillOval(xpt[i], ypt[i], rad[i], rad[i]); 

您应该使用xpt / ypt作为距离。 不是xpoint1xpoint1使用-用于值和2 *半径的大小……即:

  double xpoint1 = xpt[i]-rad[i]; double ypoint1 = ypt[i]-rad[i]; double xpoint2 = xpt[j]-rad[j]; double ypoint2 = ypt[j]-rad[j]; [...] double theDistance = distance(xpt[i],ypt[i],xpt[j],ypt[j]); [...] page.fillOval(xpoint1 , ypoint1, 2*rad[i], 2*rad[i]);