

请在键盘12 4 3 2 1输入0或更多值

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at Search.buildList( at Search.main( 


 import*; import java.util.*; public class Search { public static void main(String argv[]) throws IOException { Scanner stdin = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Please input 0 or more values at keyboard"); Node head = buildList(); System.out.println("Now printing list"); printList(head); System.out.println("\nWhat key in list are you searching for? "); int key = stdin.nextInt(); System.out.print("Your key was "); if (search(head, key)) System.out.println("found."); else System.out.println("not found."); } private static void printList(Node head) { if (head != null) { System.out.print(head.getItem() + " "); printList(head.getNext()); } } private static Node buildList() throws IOException { // Post : Inserts 0 or more numerical values from keyboard into list // using the Scanner class and returns head of list Scanner input = new Scanner(; Node head = null; Node first = new Node(input.nextInt()); head.setNext(first); while(input.hasNext()) { insert(first, input.nextInt()); /* Node curr = new Node(input.nextInt()); Node prev = head; while (true) { prev = prev.getNext(); if ((int)curr.getItem()  0; prev = curr, curr = curr.getNext() ) {} Node newNode = new Node(newValue, curr); if (prev != null) { prev.setNext(newNode); return head; } else return newNode; } private static boolean search(Node head, Comparable key) { // PRE: head points to the front of linked list; list may be // empty or non-empty; key is item searching for // POST: returns true or false regarding whether key is found in // list if (head == null){ return false;} else if (head.getItem().equals(key)){ return true;} else { return search(head.getNext(), key); } } } 




12 4 -1 5 3 0 2


-1 0 2 3 4 5 12你在找什么钥匙? 15找不到你的钥匙

 Node head = null; 

无论何时在null对象上调用方法,都会得到nullPointerException。这就是为什么head.setNext(first); 给你例外。 所以你可以这样做而不是这个

 Node head = new Node(); 



 private static Node buildList() throws IOException { // Post : Inserts 0 or more numerical values from keyboard into list // using the Scanner class and returns head of list Scanner input = new Scanner(; Node head = null; Node first = new Node(input.nextInt()); head=first; //assigning the first value to head while(input.hasNext()) { insert(first, input.nextInt()); head.setNext(first);//insert the node in the list } return first; } 


Node head = null;

上面的行将使作为Node类型的object reference variablehead变为nul l,现在调用此对象引用变量的任何方法都将导致NullPointerException

Node head = new Node();

该行将是一种更好的方法,因为这将防止 NullPointerException