

arr[i] = new specialDelivery(name,name2,weight,special); 

还有这个 :

 arr[i] = new specialDelivery(name,name2,weight,special); 


 public static void main ( String args [] ) { int size = 0,distance; double weight = 0.0; String strinput,method,name,name2,special; Parcel arr[] = new Parcel[size]; strinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( " Enter number of parcel : " ); size = Integer.parseInt(strinput); for (int i = 0; i<size; i++) { int j = 0, k = 0; method = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( "Method of delivery (normal/special): " ); if (method.equals("normal")) { name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( " Enter your name : " ); name2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( " Enter name of receiver : " ); strinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the weight of parcel " + j + " : " ); weight = Double.parseDouble(strinput); strinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the distance of delivery " + j + " (km) : " ); distance = Integer.parseInt(strinput); j++; arr[i] = new normalDelivery(name,name2,weight,distance); } if (method.equals("special")) { name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( " Enter your name : " ); name2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( " Enter name of receiver : " ); special = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the type of delivery(airplane/ship) :" ); strinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter the weight of parcel " + j + " : " ); weight = Double.parseDouble(strinput); j++; arr[i] = new specialDelivery(name,name2,weight,special); } } } } 

您已声明一个大小为0的数组,因为这是创建数组时的size 。 所以你不能为这个数组分配任何东西。 最重要的是,数组的大小固定为0,因此您无法做任何事情来改变它的大小。


 strinput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ( " Enter number of parcel : " ); size = Integer.parseInt(strinput); Parcel arr[] = new Parcel[size]; // move this line down here 


 int size = 0; ... Parcel arr[] = new Parcel[size]; 

因此,您已经创建了一个长度为0的数组。由于arr [0]尝试访问第一个元素,但是零长度数组具有零元素,您将获得该exception。 您必须使用适当的非零大小分配数组,或使用动态容器(如ArrayList