

1st convert to a Char[] 2nd reverse the Char[] 3rd convert CHar[] back to String by toString() method 

我检查过toString()的输入是“abcd \ 0”,但输出是“[C @ 2e686cea”…


 1. why toString() output this 2. what's the best way to process String? convert to char[] or using StringBuffer? 


 public class TestBench_1_2 { public static String reverseCStr (String str) { if (str == null) return str; char[] cArray = str.toCharArray(); int len = str.length(); char temp = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < (Math.floor((len-1)/2)); ++i) { temp = cArray[i]; cArray[i] = cArray[len-2-i]; cArray[len-2-i] = temp; } // String result = new String(cArray); String result = cArray.toString(); return result; } public static void main (String[] args) { String[] testStr = {"abcd\0", "abcde\0", "123\0", "ab1p4\0", null}; System.out.printf("Test Strings: \t\t Reverse Result: \n"); String temp = null; for (String str : testStr) { System.out.printf("%s \t\t\t %s\n", str, reverseCStr(str)); } } } 


 Test Strings: Reverse Result: abcd [C@2e686cea abcde [C@8e43b44 123 [C@3feef1eb ab1p4 [C@604c9c17 null null 

要将char[]转换为String ,您应该使用String.valueOf(char[])

与所有其他数组实现一样, char[].toString()使用Object.toString()的默认实现,这是

getClass()。getName()+’@’+ Integer.toHexString(hashCode())