Java rarrange枚举数组

我想知道如何重新排序枚举,以便所有山羊都在开始,所有的绵羊都在arrays的末尾。 现在它实际上是诀窍,但直到数组大小> 100 ..重新排序速度也很重要所以api方法有点太慢。 有什么建议么?

public class Sheep { enum Animal {sheep, goat}; public static void main (String[] param) { reorder(Animal.values()); } public static void reorder (Animal[] animals) { int l, r, i, j; i = l = 0; //left most element r = animals.length - 1;//right most element int mid = (r+l)/2; // middle element of the array for(i=0; i < animals.length;i++) { if(i = mid ) { animals[i] = animals[r-1]; System.out.println(animals[r]); } } } } 

由于enum实现了Comparable ,您可以简单地对数组进行排序然后反转:

 public static void reorder(Animal[] animals) { Arrays.sort(animals); for (int i = 0, j = animals.length - 1; i < j; ++i, --j) { Animal tmp = animals[i]; animals[i] = animals[j]; animals[j] = tmp; } } 


 List list = Arrays.asList(animals); Collections.sort(list); Collections.reverse(list); 

这基本上与API调用相同,但是在List对象中包装数组的(非常轻微的)开销。 你甚至可以这样做:

 Arrays.sort(animals, Collections.reverseOrder()); 

(感谢Bhesh Gurung的想法。)


 public static void reorder(Animal[] animals) { int first = 0; int last = animals.length - 1; while (first < last) { /* * The unsorted elements are in positions first..last (inclusive). * Everything before first is the higher animal; everything after * last is the lower animal. */ while (animals[first].ordinal() == 1 && first < last) { ++first; } while (animals[last].ordinal() == 0 && first < last) { --last; } if (first < last) { /* * At this point, the sort conditions still hold and also we know * that the animals at first and last are both out of order */ Animal temp = animals[first]; animals[first] = animals[last]; animals[last] = temp; ++first; --last; } } } 



 public static void reorder (Animal[] animals) { assert Animal.values().length==2; int numGoat=0; for(Animal a:animals) if(a==Animal.goat) numGoat++; Arrays.fill(animals, 0, numGoat, Animal.goat); Arrays.fill(animals, numGoat, animals.length, Animal.sheep); 

