
我是新手。 我试图在javaApplet中画一个圆圈,但不知何故在输出中它显示3个圆圈。 任何想法?


import javax.swing.JApplet; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; public class Shapes extends JApplet { public void paint (Graphics page) { resize(400,300); Random rand = new Random(); // Declare size constants final int circleMax = 160,circleMin = 40; // circle max and min diameter final int locMaxX = 360, locMaxY = 260; int radiusSize = 0, locationx = 0,locationy = 0 ; // Declare variables radiusSize = (rand.nextInt(circleMax)+ circleMin); locationx =20 ;//rand.nextInt(locMaxX)+ 20; locationy =20 ;// rand.nextInt(locMaxY) + 20; // Draw the circle 1 page.drawOval(locationx, locationy, radiusSize,radiusSize); } } 

你的主要问题是你在绘画方法中调用resize(...)而不是调用super的绘画方法。 话虽如此,我的建议是:

  • 永远不要在顶级窗口(例如JApplet或JFrame的)绘制方法中绘制。
  • 而是在顶级窗口中显示的JPanel的paintComponent方法中绘制。
  • 通常首先在绘画方法中调用super的方法。


 import javax.swing.JApplet; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; public class Shapes extends JApplet { @Override public void init() { add(new ShapesPanel()); } } class ShapesPanel extends JPanel { private Random rand = new Random(); // Declare size constants final int circleMax = 160,circleMin = 40; // circle max and min diameter final int locMaxX = 360, locMaxY = 260; int radiusSize = 0, locationx = 0,locationy = 0 ; public ShapesPanel() { radiusSize = (rand.nextInt(circleMax)+ circleMin); locationx =20 ;//rand.nextInt(locMaxX)+ 20; locationy =20 ;// rand.nextInt(locMaxY) + 20; } @Override protected void paintComponent (Graphics page) { super.paintComponent(page); // Draw the circle 1 page.drawOval(locationx, locationy, radiusSize,radiusSize); } } 


如果在进行任何自定义绘制之前未能调用super.paint ,则会阻止applet执行其设计的许多关键任务(其中之一是使用背景颜色填充Graphics上下文)。

看看AWT和Swing中的 绘画以及执行自定义绘画 ,了解有关绘画如何在Swing和AWT中工作的更多细节。

现在,您可以简单地调用super.paint ,但通常不鼓励覆盖顶级容器(如JAppletpaint方法,它实际上包含一个JRootPane ,其中包含一个可能导致绘制过程中出现问题的contentPane

更好的解决方案是从JPanel开始,覆盖它的paintComponent方法(首先调用super.paintComponent )并在那里执行自定义绘制。 然后,您可以将其添加到您想要的容器中




 import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JPanel; import test.Shapes.TestPane; public class Shapes extends JApplet { @Override public void init() { super.init(); add(new TestPane()); } public class TestPane extends JPanel { public TestPane() { } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(200, 200); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create(); Random rand = new Random(); // Declare size constants final int circleMax = 160, circleMin = 40; // circle max and min diameter final int locMaxX = 360, locMaxY = 260; int radiusSize = 0, locationx = 0, locationy = 0; // Declare variables radiusSize = (rand.nextInt(circleMax) + circleMin); locationx = 20;//rand.nextInt(locMaxX)+ 20; locationy = 20;// rand.nextInt(locMaxY) + 20; // Draw the circle 1 g2d.drawOval(locationx, locationy, radiusSize, radiusSize); g2d.dispose(); } } } 
