
我刚开始解决Project Eulers问题。 尽管这个很简单。 我想就最佳解决方案发表意见。

问题 :




package; public class NaturalNumber { public static void main(String args[]) { int sum=0; for(int i=0; i<1000; i++) { if((i%3 == 0) || (i%5 == 0)){ sum += i; } } System.out.println(sum); } } 

它看起来很好,虽然我会把sum放在主要的。 这个简单的程序并不是什么大不了的事。 但一般来说,您应该在尽可能窄的范围内声明变量。

更好的解决方案是包含 – 排除原则的简单应用。 我们感兴趣的所有数字的总和是(1)可被3整除的所有数字的总和加上(2)可被5整除的所有数字的总和减去(3)可被15整除的所有数字的总和。 3个和是算术级数的总和,相对容易找到。 基本上,您不需要循环。

N可以除以N的非负整数的数量正好是[( N -1)/ n ] + 1.最大这样的数是n *([( N -1)/ n ],因此通过算术级数和公式,它们的和是[( N -1)/ n ] *([( N -1)/ n ] + 1)* n / 2。


  1. N = 1000, n = 3,[( N -1)/ n ] = 333,sum = 333 * 334 * 3/2。
  2. N = 1000, n = 5,[( N -1)/ n ] = 199,sum = 199 * 200 * 5/2。
  3. N = 1000, n = 15,[( N -1)/ n ] = 66,sum = 66 * 67 * 15/2。






使用sum(1+2+3+...+n) = n(n+1)/2事实,我们可以得出x低于1000的倍数之和是floor(1000/x)*(floor(1000/x)+1)/2*x


有999/3 = 333倍数3低于1000,999/5 = 199倍数5低于1000,9和999/15 = 66倍数15低于1000

因此,所有3的倍数之和低于1000 = 333 * 334/2 * 3 = 166833,5的倍数之和低于1000 = 199 * 200/2 * 5 = 99500,以及15的倍数之和低于1000 = 66 * 67/2 * 15 = 33165

回答166833 + 99500 – 33165 = 233168

您的解决方案在逻辑上最简单,因此最容易validation。 像弗拉德和卢克这样的分析解决方案效率最高。


 public int doit() { int sum=0; for (int n=0;n<1000;n+=3) { sum+=n; } for (int n=0;n<1000;n+=5) { if (n%3!=0) // Don't pick up the 3's twice sum+=n; } return sum; } 



我使用O(1)的算术级数来做到这一点。 这是我的解决方案,它适用于超过1000的值,直到10 ^ 9之类

 long sum1=0,sum2=0,sum3=0,sum=0; long no3=0,no5=0,no15=0; //find the no of terms no3=(array[i]-1)/3; no5=(array[i]-1)/5; no15=(array[i]-1)/15; //find the sum of the terms sum1=no3*(6+(no3-1)*3)/2 ; sum2=no5*(10+(no5-1)*5)/2; sum3=no15*(30+(no15-1)*15)/2; sum=sum1+sum2-sum3; System.out.println(sum); } 

对于Project Euler,我有一个建议:去function。

我以前在Java中已经解决了大约100个问题,但是我一直在努力解决许多问题。我不得不编写很多库代码。 我最近开始在Scala中解决它们,再次从问题1开始,感觉更自然。

除了你可以用笔和纸解决头几个问题之外,正如其他答案所指出的那样,使用函数式语言解决这个问题非常简单易行。 这是问题1的解决方案:

 object Problem001 { def main(args: Array[String]) = println(find(1000)) def find(max:Int) = Stream.from(1) filter (n => n % 3 == 0 || n % 5 == 0) takeWhile (_ < max) sum } 


 def ProjectEuler1(upper_limit): num_3mult = (upper_limit-1)//3 # total multiples of 3, less than upper_limit num_5mult = (upper_limit-1)//5 # total multiples of 5, less than upper_limit sum_multiples = 0 for i in range(1,num_3mult+1): sum_multiples += i*3 if i <= num_5mult and i%3!=0: # only add the multiples of 5 which are not multiple of 3 (to avoid adding duplicates) sum_multiples += i*5 print('Sum of all multiples of 3 and 5 below 1000 = ', sum_multiples, end='\n') ProjectEuler1(1000) 

我正在解决这个问题,想出了@vlad提到的解决方案。 非常激动(从未听说过包含 – 排除原则)。 这是我的代码:

 public class Prob1 { public static int sumOfMultiples(int i, int j, int limit){ int s = --limit / i, t = limit / j, u = limit / (i * j); return (i*(s*(s+1)/2)) + (j*(t*(t+1)/2)) - ((i*j)*(u*(u+1)/2)); } } 


 public class TestProb1 { @Test public void testSumOfMultiples(){ int actual = Prob1.sumOfMultiples(3, 5, 10); assertEquals(23, actual); actual = Prob1.sumOfMultiples(3, 5, 30); assertEquals(195, actual); actual = Prob1.sumOfMultiples(3, 5, 1000); assertEquals(233168, actual); } } 


 Dim sum = (From num In Enumerable.Range(1, 999) Where num Mod 3 = 0 OrElse num Mod 5 = 0 Select num).Sum() 


 int s=0,n,N=1000; n=(N-1)/ 3; s+= 3*n*(n+1); n=(N-1)/ 5; s+= 5*n*(n+1); n=(N-1)/15; s-=15*n*(n+1); s>>=1; // can further optimize by precomputing N-1, n+1 to some temp vars // also multiplication can be shift added instead 

我在这里看到了一些suma fors,为什么要找人呢

  • 使用分区为suma ???
  • 对+ 3i和+ 5i乘数使用+1增量???


 int s=0,N=1000; for (int i=0;i 



 import java.util.Scanner; public class Counter { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Enter an integer, and COUNTER will find the sum of all the multiples of THREE and FIVE:"); int entry; Scanner input = new Scanner(; entry = input.nextInt(); int three = 0; int threeOut = 0; int threeOpTot = (entry / 3); int threeOp = 0; while( threeOp < threeOpTot) { three = three + 3 ; threeOut = three + threeOut ; threeOp += 1; System.out.println(threeOp + " times 3 is " + three + ". "); System.out.println(" " + threeOut + ", is the total sum of " + threeOp + "/" + threeOpTot + " threes"); } int five = 0; int fiveOut = 0; int fiveOpTot = (entry / 5); int fiveOp = 1; while( fiveOp < fiveOpTot) { five = five + 5 ; fiveOut = five + fiveOut ; fiveOp += 1 ; System.out.println(threeOp + " times 3 is " + three + ". "); System.out.println(" " + threeOut + ", is the total sum of " + threeOp + "/" + threeOpTot + " threes"); } int fifteen = 0; int fifteenOut = 0; int fifteenOpTot = (entry / 15); int fifteenOp = 0; while( fifteenOp < fifteenOpTot) { fifteen = fifteen + 15 ; fifteenOut = fifteen + fifteenOut ; fifteenOp += 1 ; System.out.println(fifteenOp + " times fifteen is " + fifteen + "."); System.out.println(" " + fifteenOut + ", is the total sum of " + fifteenOp + "/" + fifteenOpTot + " fifteens"); } System.out.println("The final values of threes' are " + (threeOut) ); System.out.println("The final values of five' are " + (fiveOut) ); System.out.println("The sum of the over-lapping 15 factors are " + (fifteenOut) ); System.out.println("Grand total: " + (fiveOut + threeOut - fifteenOut) ); } } 



这是我的博客CodeForWin程序中的代码片段- Project Euler 1:3和5的倍数

 n--; //Since we need to compute sum of multiples below n if(n>=3) { totalElements = n/3; sum += (totalElements * ( 3 + totalElements*3)) / 2; } //Check if n is more than or equal to 5 then compute sum of all elements //divisible by 5 and add to sum. if(n >= 5) { totalElements = n/5; sum += (totalElements * (5 + totalElements * 5)) / 2; } //Check if n is more than or equal to 15 then compute sum of all elements //divisible by 15 and subtract from sum. if(n >= 15) { totalElements = n/15; sum -= (totalElements * (15 + totalElements * 15)) / 2; } System.out.println(sum); 


 public static void main(String[] args) { int sum = 0; int i = 0; while (i < 1000) { if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) { sum = sum + i; } i++; } System.out.println("Sum is " + sum); }