ArrayList包含同一个超类的不同对象 – 如何访问子类的方法



 ArrayList  animalList = new ArrayList(); /* I add some objects from subclasses of Animal */ animalList.add(new Reptile()); animalList.add(new Bird()); animalList.add(new Amphibian()); 

它们都实现了一个方法move() – 当调用move()时, Bird会飞。 我知道我可以通过使用它来访问超类的常用方法和属性

 public void feed(Integer animalIndex) { Animal aAnimal = (Animal) this.animalList.get(animalIndex);; } 

这很好 – 但现在我想访问子类Bird具有的move()方法。 我可以通过将AnimalBird一样来做到这一点:

 Bird aBird = (Bird) this.animalList.get(animalIndex); aBird.move(); 




要确保您实际调用适当的move方法, move Animal从超类更改为接口。 然后,当您调用move方法时,您将能够确保为所需的对象调用适当的移动方法。

如果您希望保留公共字段,那么您可以定义一个抽象类AnimalBase ,并要求所有动物构建它,但每个实现都需要实现Animal接口。


 public abstract class AnimalBase { private String name; private int age; private boolean gender; // getters and setters for the above are good to have here } public interface Animal { public void move(); public void eat(); public void sleep(); } // The below won't compile because the contract for the interface changed. // You'll have to implement eat and sleep for each object. public class Reptiles extends AnimalBase implements Animal { public void move() { System.out.println("Slither!"); } } public class Birds extends AnimalBase implements Animal { public void move() { System.out.println("Flap flap!"); } } public class Amphibians extends AnimalBase implements Animal { public void move() { System.out.println("Some sort of moving sound..."); } } // in some method, you'll be calling the below List animalList = new ArrayList<>(); animalList.add(new Reptiles()); animalList.add(new Amphibians()); animalList.add(new Birds()); // call your method without fear of it being generic for(Animal a : animalList) { a.move(); } 

你不需要做任何演员。 被重写的方法应该被称为[simple polymorphism]

 Animal aAnimal== this.animalList.get(animalIndex); aAnimal.move(); 


而铸造不是解决方案,你将如何决定投射哪个对象? 您将不得不使用instanceOf。


 public void moveBird(){ for(Animal aminal:animalList){ if(animal instanceof Bird){ aninmal.move(); } } } 
 Bird getMyBird(Integer aniInteger) { Bird b = new Bird(); //Do somthig with bird object... return b; //get your modifeid bird object } Bird myBird = animalList.get(animalIndex); myBird.move();