Spark Java中的移动平均线

我有实时流数据进入火花,我想对该时间序列数据进行移动平均预测。 有没有办法在Java中使用spark实现它?

我已经提到过: https : //和Apache Spark Moving Average,但这些代码都是用Scala编写的。 由于我不熟悉Scala,我无法判断我是否会发现它有用甚至将代码转换为Java。 在Spark Java中是否有直接的预测实现?


// Read a file containing the Stock Quotations // You can also paralelize a collection of objects to create a RDD JavaRDD linesRDD = sc.textFile("some sample file containing stock prices"); // Convert the lines into our business objects JavaRDD quotationsRDD = linesRDD.flatMap(new ConvertLineToStockQuotation()); // We need these two objects in order to use the MLLib RDDFunctions object ClassTag classTag = scala.reflect.ClassManifestFactory.fromClass(StockQuotation.class); RDD rdd = JavaRDD.toRDD(quotationsRDD); // Instantiate a RDDFunctions object to work with RDDFunctions rddFs = RDDFunctions.fromRDD(rdd, classTag); // This applies the sliding function and return the (DATE,SMA) tuple JavaPairRDD smaPerDate = rddFs.sliding(slidingWindow).toJavaRDD().mapToPair(new MovingAvgByDateFunction()); List> smaPerDateList = smaPerDate.collect(); 


 public class MovingAvgByDateFunction implements PairFunction { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 9220435667459839141L; @Override public Tuple2 call(Object t) throws Exception { StockQuotation[] stocks = (StockQuotation[]) t; List stockList = Arrays.asList(stocks); Double result = ToDoubleFunction() { @Override public double applyAsDouble(StockQuotation value) { return value.getValue(); } })); result = result / stockList.size(); return new Tuple2(stockList.get(0).getTimestamp(),result); } } 

如果你想了解更多细节,我在这里写了关于简单移动平均线的信息: https : //