如何使用XSSF(Apache POI 3.8)调整图表大小?

我想知道是否有办法使用Apache POI(XSSF)调整图表的大小。 目前我正在使用Excel模板,该模板的图表在使用namedRanges插入更多数据时会发生变化。


  • 图表总是保持相同的大小,因此如果有更多的条目,它会变得混乱,使图表变得毫无用处。
  • 我正在使用日期,但我无法在图表上将日期表示为日/月(17/10)。 基本上不是04/01/2001,它写的是36982。

该工作簿的目的是列出几个作业并检查它们在给定日期是否花费更长时间,该图表用于帮助识别更长时间的发生。 作业运行时间可能从几秒到几小时不等。


 package le_package.poi_tests.xssflibrary; import java.io.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Name; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; public class POIReadFile { public static void main(String[] args) { try { String jobName = "I am a job"; String jobParent = "I am your father, Job."; int rowNum = 40; int deface = 4; //Open Excel as OOXML XSSFWorkbook currentWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook( OPCPackage.open("include/excelTemplate.xlsx")); //Get sheet in position 0 Sheet currentSheet = currentWorkbook.getSheetAt(0); //Get sheet name for processing String sheetName = currentSheet.getSheetName(); //Set values for headers currentSheet.getRow(1).getCell(0).setCellValue(jobName); currentSheet.getRow(1).getCell(1).setCellValue(jobParent); for (int i=0; i<rowNum; i++) { //Create row in a given position Row newRow = currentSheet.createRow(i+deface); //Create cell within row Cell newCell0 = newRow.createCell(0); Cell newCell1 = newRow.createCell(1); Cell newCell2 = newRow.createCell(2); String cellDate = ""; /* Set CellType * 0 - Numeric | 1 - String | 2 - Formula | 3 - Blank | 4 - Boolean | 5 - Error */ newCell0.setCellType(0); cellDate = "3/"+(i+1)+"/2001 00:00:00"; //Convert text into date Date currentCellDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(cellDate); //System.out.println(currentCellDate.toString()+"--"+cellDate); //Set CellValue newCell0.setCellValue(currentCellDate); cellDate = "4/"+(i+1)+"/2001 00:00:00"; currentCellDate = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").parse(cellDate); //System.out.println(currentCellDate.toString()+"--"+cellDate); newCell1.setCellType(0); newCell1.setCellValue(currentCellDate); //setCellFormula sets the formula to be evaluated by excel, it doesn't need to start with '=' newCell2.setCellFormula("A" + (i+deface+1) + "-B" + (i+deface+1)); } //Search for named range Name rangeCell = currentWorkbook.getName("startRange"); //Set new range for named range String reference = sheetName + "!$A$" + ( deface+1 ) + ":$A$" + ( rowNum+deface ); //Assigns range value to named range rangeCell.setRefersToFormula(reference); rangeCell = currentWorkbook.getName("endRange"); reference = sheetName + "!$B$"+(deface+1) + ":$B$" + (rowNum+deface); rangeCell.setRefersToFormula(reference); rangeCell = currentWorkbook.getName("elapsedTime"); reference = sheetName + "!$C$"+(deface+1) + ":$C$" + (rowNum+deface); rangeCell.setRefersToFormula(reference); //Create a fileStream to write into a file FileOutputStream newExcelFile = new FileOutputStream(jobName+".xlsx"); //Write Stream currentWorkbook.write(newExcelFile); //Close New Excel File newExcelFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("AAAAARGH, I was wounded by the following exception!:"); e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("Sorry, your program is dead :("); } } } 





 //Call the partiarch to start drawing XSSFDrawing drawing = ((XSSFSheet)currentSheet).createDrawingPatriarch(); //Create CTMarket for anchor CTMarker chartEndCoords = CTMarker.Factory.newInstance(); //The coordinates are set in columns and rows, not pixels. chartEndCoords.setCol(column); //Set Column offset chartEndCoords.setColOff(0); chartEndCoords.setRow(row); chartEndCoords.setRowOff(0); //drawing.getCTDrawing().getTwoCellAnchorArray(0).setFrom(chartStartCoords); drawing.getCTDrawing().getTwoCellAnchorArray(0).setTo(chartEndCoords); /* This line of code allows to resize the chart: The Patriarch is what allows to get control over the drawings, since a chart is considered a graph in xlsx you can access it with getCTDrawing. Each graph is stored in the tag getTwoCellAnchorArray, where the array position is the chart you have; for example getTwoCellAnchorArray(3) would refer to the forth graph within the sheet. Each getTwoCellAnchorArray has several properties as FROM and TO, which define where the existing graph starts and ends. */ 


  1. 提供日期单元格,日期格式。 Apache poi日期格式

  2. POI无法修改图形AFAIK。