
我想知道是否有人可以帮助我找到一组变量的最大值并将它们分配给另一个变量。 这是我的代码片段,可能有助于理解我在说什么。

// Ask for quarter values. System.out.println("What is the value of the first quarter?"); firstQuarter = input.nextDouble(); System.out.println("What is the value of the second quarter?"); secondQuarter = input.nextDouble(); System.out.println("What is the value of the third quarter?"); thirdQuarter = input.nextDouble(); System.out.println("What is the value of the fourth quarter?"); fourthQuarter = input.nextDouble(); //Tell client the maximum value/price of the stock during the year. //maxStock = This is where I need help System.out.println("The maximum price of a stock share in the year is: $" + maxStock + "."); 

在Java中,您可以像这样使用Math.max :

 double maxStock = Math.max( firstQuarter, Math.max( secondQuarter, Math.max( thirdQuarter, fourthQuarter ) ) ); 



 private double findMax(double... vals) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (double d : vals) { if (d > max) max = d; } return max; } 


 double maxStock = findMax(firstQuarter, secondQuarter, thirdQuarter, fourthQuarter); 


 public static > T max(T...values) { if (values.length <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); T m = values[0]; for (int i = 1; i < values.length; ++i) { if (values[i].compareTo(m) > 0) m = values[i]; } return m; } 



 double [ ] data = { firstQuarter , secondQuarter , thirdQuarter , fourtQuarter ) ; Arrays . sort ( data ) [ 3 ] ; 


 List data = new Arraylist(); data.add(firstQuarter); data.add(secondQuarter); data.add(thirdQuarter); data.add(foutQuarter); Collections.sort(data); data.get(3); 


 class Quarter { private double value; private int order; // gets and sets } 


 List list = new ArrayList(); Quarter fisrt = new Quarter(); first.setValue(firstQuarter); first.setOrder(1); list.add(first); // Do the same with the other values Collections.sort(list, new Comparator(){ compare(Object o1, Object o2){ return Double.valueOf(o1.getValue()).compareTo(o2.getValue()); } } 


 double [ ] data = { firstQuarter , secondQuarter , thirdQuarter , fourtQuarter ) ; Arrays . sort ( data ) [ 3 ] ; 

派对有点晚了,但是对于其他任何观看这个问题的人来说,java 8都有原始的流类型,可以实现这一点

 Collection values = new ArrayList<>(); OptionalInt max = values.stream().mapToInt((x) -> x).max(); 

mapToInt是描述如何将输入转换为整数类型的关键函数。 然后,生成的流具有特定于整数类型的附加聚合器和收集器,其中一个是max()


我相信现在Java 8中最简洁的版本看起来像这样:

 DoubleStream.of(firstQuarter , secondQuarter , thirdQuarter , fourtQuarter).max(); 
 Max = firstQuarter; If(secondQuarter > max) Max = secondQuarter; 

… 等等

 import java.util.Scanner; public class dmar { public static void main ( String [] srgs){ Scanner dmar=new Scanner(System.in);{ { System.out.println ( "inter number of x plz") ; double x=dmar.nextDouble(); System.out.println ( "inter number of y plz") ;{ double y=dmar.nextDouble(); System.out.println ( "inter number of t plz") ; double t=dmar.nextDouble(); System.out.println ( "inter number of f plz") ; double f=dmar.nextDouble(); { { if (x>y); System.out.println("x biger than y"); if (x>t); System.out.println("x biger than t"); if (x>f); System.out.println("x biger than f"); if (y>x); System.out.println("y biger than x"); if (y>t); System.out.println("y biger than t"); if (y>f); System.out.println("y biger than f"); if (t>x&t>f&t>y); System.out.println("t biger than x"); if (t>y); System.out.println("t biger than y"); if (t>f); System.out.println("t biger than f"); if (f>x); System.out.println("f biger than x"); if (f>y); System.out.println("f biger than y"); if (f>t); System.out.println("f biger than t"); }